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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Hey Steph, no worries, just getting to this now and I'm a bit confused where you thought I might have been slighted? Alan probably knows a lot more about these than I do, so it's a good thing you tagged him. It's a community and if we can all help each other out that's a positive thing, right?
  2. Hi VT, good to see you around. And thanks Steph for thinking of me. Headscratchers for sure. Can't comment much on the 1st other than to say the orange is rich and the cutline is huge. CAC experts can chime in from there. 2nd one could benefit from a better pic of the pontil. Faceted would lean towards German. The green base would be unusual. what I've seen on a German. The 9 is tight
  3. Those are all amazing. Left front looks a lot older is it wood or something else? So, what's the high score?
  4. Millefiori has been made for a LONG time so hard to say. I think it's pretty neat. Is the base glass translucent?
  5. Cool, any marbles come with? 1914 would be pretty early for American marbles so it would be interesting to see...
  6. I'd be going out on a limb here and thinking the 1st and last are Pelts, and probably a couple in between. A couple other nice finds for the riverbank too
  7. Curious what the part by the green arrow looks like? Do you have that angle?
  8. It's nice but not sure if there are specific names for Rainbo's
  9. Yeah, they do catch the eye. Obviously non-intentional but still neat to notice.
  10. The term "carnival glass" likely was carried over from other glass collectors (I'm thinking fruit bowls and punch sets).
  11. What makes you think it was buffed? The clear base glass (which is unusual by the way)?
  12. Some interesting Asian influences on that cover.
  13. Pretty sure MCR = Multi Color Rainbos. MCS and MCR can look very similar in terms of ribbons/colors/construction and I have to believe that sometimes the seams are hard to spot once going through the machine.
  14. Could be the lighting but appears like it might have some blue or green in there too?
  15. It might be best to first ask yourself if you're in it for the investment or simply enjoying marbles. It can be both, but quality marbles from a trusted seller at a show or online is generally your best bet. A pin hole, cold roll, blow out etc. etc. heck, even a bad pattern is a subjective and can change the value significantly
  16. Most polished marbles (using a 3-head sphere machine) end up more spherical than they started. If it was polished by hand or in a rock tumbler it will more likely end up out of round. Of course there are some dug marbles shaped like footballs etc since they never made it past QC dept, and got scrapped by the 100's
  17. OK, I'll bite...what makes this a Czech circus marble compared to something, like say, a Euro two colored striped opaque?
  18. Since collecting marbles, my "eyeballing" of measurements has improved. So if I'm looking at the thickness of a piece of plywood etc...
  19. Mica marbles were handmade so have a somewhat irregular surface and a Pontil. Those all look like fried marbles to me but pictures can be deceiving
  20. Sure looks a lot like a Euro/Japanese transitional, but haven't seen a comparable Christensen American Agate
  21. I think I see it, cool! Trying to think of any Masters I have even close to that size
  22. It's a shame they did what they did. But that's not to take away from the efforts you've put into things My resolution- get stuff unpacked and back on the wall in the next couple months!
  23. There still might be a way to view your library and save the images to your desktop. Worked for me a couple weeks ago, which was really nice, since PB usually freezes up my whole system
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