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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. The blue one might have a pontil but a really rough one The other two look like modern machine made with a chip or damage (that can sometimes mistaken for a pontil). The black one looks like a Vacor confetti, but hard to tell from the pics
  2. Maybe it's the pictures (or my monitor) but the colors look a lot more vivid than what I'd expect for a Pelt. Maybe a couple more angles under natural lighting would help? Interesting marble either way.
  3. If it's vintage I'd lean more towards Vitro based on the color palette. Hard to ID by construction with a pattern like that.
  4. ^Agreed. I like the one on the left. Is the pontil ground or maybe a trick of the light makes it look odd?
  5. ^Agreed. Unusual but look vintage. Don't recall a single color orange one before.
  6. Came across this listing https://www.kijiji.ca/v-art-collectibles/ottawa/art-deco-borzoi-hound-dog-on-green-marble-swirl-ash-tray-base/1385333534?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true Kind of neat, and got me wondering how many other glass/marble companies (other than Akro) made ashtrays.
  7. If the question is about the construction it looks like a fold assuming the "horseshoes" are on opposite ends. Don't know about MK, but I suppose it could happen to anybody.
  8. cool! Interesting variety of colors, any closer pics?
  9. This thread is starting to become very inspirational
  10. Don't eat them! lol. Only other time I saw a similar one was in the garden too. This year has been plentiful for butterflies in my neck of the woods, it's nice actually.
  11. Isn't that a swallow tail butterfly caterpillar? Similar colors to monarch caterpillars but I think that's what it is.
  12. The largest Euro sparklers I've come across are just over 1-1/16", so probably close to 1.09"
  13. I want to say bottom right, but I'll go with 2nd from right...no wait. argh
  14. Yeah, c'mon Galen, those aren't Bulgarians, they're called Leightons 😝 In all seriousness, looks like some good marbles. The blue Lat looks like an amazing example. Did they come with a Solitaire board?
  15. AWD is nice to have when it's new but can get expensive if repairs are eventually needed. Could almost get a new car (or a bunch of awesome marbles) for that price. Good Luck
  16. I've got some of those sparklers (but without the advertising) I think they are over an inch, is that the same size as the Ajax/Bonux ones?
  17. Well, Akro Corkscrews could pass some time spinning them around. In a straight up "alone on a desert island" scenario it would make sense to go with a nice quality clearie and use it as a magnifying glass to fry some ants.
  18. That is pretty cool, 1,200 games over 4 days is a lot for any tournament! Plus, can't go wrong with the $2k scholarship and wherever else it goes.
  19. Would Flints not be hand ground Agates? Just throwing it out there. When I think of flint, I think of stone, stone marbles = agates? Various sizes, labor intensive, desirable by kids, expensive. Not saying CA made them (or the polished clay marbles for that matter), could have been some sort of side deal.
  20. Would this have been part of a box set at one point? Seems like most of the CAC original boxes (from the books) were all the same size, Guineas, Cobras, etc. Wondering if they did a graduated size box (ie: like Akro sometimes did) or if there was a whole box of CAC's of this size/type. Which would be phenomenal by the way.
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