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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Nice pattern in pic #3. between that and the color combo it's a good question. So, looks like we have -1 vote for non-Euro (maybe) -2 votes for Euro -2 votes for German
  2. Interesting marble, trying to think if I've seen another banded transparent with a shrunken core. Not to say there couldn't be one just trying to wrack my memory
  3. Can't vouch for all of them but here are a couple. Middle bottom could be Master. Sorry about the reflections. Nothing wrong with Orange in my books
  4. Haven't seen the "spaghetti" surface from the original post (pic 3) in a non-machine rounded marble before, so yes the second rough spot is probably just a fluke. Good for bringing it up though, nice topic for discussion. Unusual size/color as well
  5. Not the pic I was looking for but reminded me enough of #50, so thar she be
  6. one of my favorite not-quite-round shooters. Apparently got stuck and cooled on the rollers?
  7. In the original post the second and fourth pic look to be same angle but with the glare is hard to tell The last pics I agree show a Japanese-style cutoff, but appear to be on a different pole than what's shown in the original post?? Are there two cutoffs (or rough spots) on opposite poles of this marble?
  8. I'd say the second group of pics makes things a bit more interesting.
  9. although it doesn't really look like a Peltier on the right that's the first thought I had
  10. What's the size? Most angles look like "Japanese" construction but expected more of the spidery pontil traits if this were the case. The only thing that would potentially make me think otherwise is the size or actual color. Pictures look yellow but described as green which could be a trick of the light
  11. With the way Pelt patterns got wonky, that could look to some as the same marble from two views
  12. Both Cilantro and Spinach are good with Citrus (for me anyways). Something to do with releasing iron in raw spinach, and a homemade salsa/Pico de gallo with squeeze of lime. Cooked spinach in a homemade Lasagna or spaghetti sauce I like too.
  13. Just curious if there was anything specific to make you think 'most likely contemporary' and not vintage German marbles? My money is on vintage German marbles but thought I'd ask
  14. Congrats on the brick. Without a bit of damage they probably wouldn't have garnered the name to begin with, just adds character
  15. yes, it shows a handgathered pattern if that's what you mean
  16. I'll see If I can get some outside pics in the next couple days. Winnie, are all the one's pictured around shooter size?
  17. Some could be Akro but it was a group pic
  18. Auction value isn't always representative of fair market value. All it takes is two bidders, at least one with deep pockets (the buyer) and things can go through the roof. Another variable is subjective value - $600 can be a drop in the bucket for some people who like it whether it's 'real' or not
  19. That's about as good a selection as any, must have been fun. Lid looks a bit undersized though (I know, all about perspective, right )
  20. Is there blue in the marble as well or is that just a trick of the light. Seems to have similar colors to a banded translucent I've seen (which was cane cut). Hard to tell if yours shows more of a hand-gathered pattern Good find though, congrats
  21. I don't disagree but have to think that some good marble makers paired up with some of the good rod/cane makers and as a team they could pump out a higher percentage of 'nicer' quality marbles.
  22. It's a nice looking marble. I think Alan's second to last pic might explain what you see on yours, as the cane is "necked down" it's pulled and drawn away from the marble so some of the inner threads/bands (like in your marble) don't always make it perfectly to the pontil. It can be exaggerated more on some examples vs. others.
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