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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Could be redundant, but I'd question if the glass temperature plays a big part in the 'spidery' cutoffs vs 'line' cutoffs (rather than guesses like where they were made or the sharpness of the shears?) It's an open general question
  2. If nothing else, The red/white "transitionals' POP bold color, stand out in a crowd and outnumber the other opaque marbles of this type by a huge margin, from what I've seen. Wonder why? Red apparently wasn't common on North American hand gathered marbles (during the era hand gathered marbles were being made in North America)
  3. Yikes, I'd say. Only seen a couple others. Nice deliberate looking construction though (one of the others I'd seen was probably accidental)
  4. Not sure if it was mentioned in the auction listing or not, have to check
  5. The knack of identifying WV swirls is something I'll probably never be good at, but clever idea to number the columns and alphabet-ize(?) the rows.
  6. I'llhavethat1


    From what I understand, true 'Agates' (slanged as Aggies) were prized by players since they were more dense and not as fragile as glass. Higher density = better chance of knocking an opponents marble out of the ring. Plus they were prettier than most clays although labor intensive to make by hand. Along came the industrial revolution and companies started to make marbles more efficiently out of glass, trying to simulate the look (of these prized Agate marbles) hence the names ___ Agate Co. etc. I wasn't around back then so this is purely my opinion. Orange you glad you asked?
  7. I'llhavethat1


    From my marbles 101 study book: upper right is an Akro and on it's left is an Agate.
  8. I see a couple there that I would like (which probably aren't on your radar, just my personal preference) . Nice marbles
  9. I'llhavethat1


    would have been a fun storyboard to lay out
  10. Casters, approx 2" stamped PAT 78 (?) Set of 4. I just need some grand table or something to put these suckers on
  11. Red something or other with seams and a fold
  12. It would be a tough arguement to say those aren't some of the nicest looking marbles
  13. Some of my favorite balls o' Barton
  14. Found this in my old pics, one on the right looks similar (apologies for the light reflections)
  15. Made me think of this one but I don't know if that's any more help or just a coincidence
  16. Nice spread, good representation including some hand gathered slags. I think most marbles in the 'bull's eye agate' category have more of a concentric circle pattern. Nice piece of cane too.
  17. I don't know if anybody else has mentioned yet but you do a good job with your pictures (angles, borders etc). Nice
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