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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. The one lurking on the top left I think is around 2-3/8" (looks larger in the picture, at the time I was trying to give a sense of scale).
  2. A few years back I tried growing bamboo shoots in marbles, worked pretty well. I like the idea of an end-table might try that next
  3. So the part that appears red isn't white under the purple glass (making it look red-ish)? If it is actually red and white on the surface, it probably wouldn't fall into the slag category. Nice marble though
  4. If the only surface colors are white (and not the multitude of colors usually seen on an indian), my guess would be a cane-cut slag with a purple base.
  5. Ah, I see what you did now. At first I thought it was a glass globe filled with marbles but it's really a bowling ball with marbles siliconed to the outside? cool
  6. 3" is pretty huge, I think I've seen a picture of that one before. So if all it took was a properly sized fruitwood forming block, there should be at least a couple other ones over 2-3/8" around out there. A long time ago I saw one on eBay pictured with a baseball for comparison, and it was about the same size. Can't think of seeing too many others though.
  7. Yep, you're probably right. BTW my interpretation of now-banned material = 'dangerous things we used to play with' like Mercury and Asbestos, was in bad form so I edited my other post accordingly. So - still curious if anybody else has other numbers or knows what these were used for? Would they be numbered up to 16 for pea pool?
  8. I've heard there are some real huge ones out there, but most were kept under 2.5" due to deformation during manufacture, is that still the consensus? (I imagine the glassworker could pretty much attempt any size they wanted). There were probably some factors like packaging, limited market, and raw materials (1 huge marble vs. ~40 small marbles) etc. Mostly curious how they would have been marketed, or if they were simply one-offs. Largest I have are a couple around 2-3/8"
  9. Semantics aside, would it be fair to say this method was used as a requirement for the specific patterns being made? Or was it something developed for cost savings or ease of manufacture? Seems a lot more complicated than I thought.
  10. A bunch of small knickknacks (marbles, thimbles, coins, etc) get tossed together in a drawer or pocket, and the hole in the thimble would be like a magnet for a marble that would fit. try to get it out, it jams in further and then you've got a practically useless thimble Or maybe it was used to contain something, marble being like a bottle stopper. See if there's any weed in it
  11. Looks like a cast lead sinker for fishing. Haven't seen one with a marble before though, innovative
  12. Delving into something I don't know much about, any pics of the Vitro Conquerers in question?
  13. Nice spread, I second that! If you get a chance how about a closer pic of row 17, column 10 (lol, another year, same bad joke) All the best everyone
  14. Approx 5/8" My guess might be bone or maybe Ivory? Or they could be Bakelite but the script looks a lot older so I ask
  15. Been thinking about these for a while. Probably part of a larger game set and not some whaling boat. Any ideas where they came from and what they were used for would be appreciated
  16. Interesting, based on the first pic my guess from left field would have been Alley
  17. Merry Christmas is less than a week away
  18. Here are a couple red slags in different sizes. Although I don't remember actual measurements
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAur3xDaCk0 Some more Morrison footage, love this
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