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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. This shows the opaque blue, green, red that I was thinking of. Pretty much a clear base and I'd guess earlier than the 'English' types
  2. Lol, I took a couple pics and now I just need to get them uploaded. I could only find one swirl
  3. There are all kinds of different shades and types of construction. Mostly your blues (ie: cobalt, aqua/cyan), ambers, greens, clears. Less common are yellows, oranges, purples. Then red which is considered a 'holy grail' for some collectors. A black one would be cool but haven't seen a true black, just a really deep purple. Blizzard usually refers to the amount and distribution of the mica. If it's mostly uniform and there is a ton of it close to the surface, than that would fit the definition. Most Mica's have a ghost core as a result of their construction and probably not deliberate. Mica can also make an appearance on other marbles, like onionskins, peppermints. Not so much on swirls though. This of course is all based on my opinion/experience and I certainly haven't seen them all
  4. Greg, are you selling the marbles? (could be taken a couple different ways)
  5. Lol, I hope the statement "I Have Joined Galen" isn't like a precursor to purple kool-aid or something
  6. Sure the pics aren't the best but I don't see any red flags. What sort of as-mades are we looking for? The general wear looks consistent. Wadely - If you're in the running and looking for a second opinion, maybe ask the seller for some close-ups to put your mind at ease
  7. The few like that I've seen are more of a black than an oxblood but I do believe there are some similar (not necessarily a corkscrew that) do have ox
  8. Maybe because onionskins are a more random pattern so you could alternate the twist without messing the pattern up, whereas it would show up more on layered core swirl marbles ? At one point I recall someone brought up the possibility of rolling a left handed one to give their arms a rest from repeated motion doing right handed ones but I don't know if there is any merit to that.
  9. Looks like a nicely crafted vintage marble. The even spacing/grouping of the outer lines and the bright colors give it some pizzazz
  10. cool, top left one looks especially neat
  11. For some reason I thought old handmade swirls/onionskins COULD have opaque green blues and reds (almost an oxblood red), which was an indication they were from the earlier part of the handmade period and not later? Probably semantics (or exceptions to the rule) and not to dispute the info above which is very interesting by the way.
  12. Lol, saw the other post and was going to warn you about some relatives I had: Uncle Sam and Aunt Ella = Sam&Ella
  13. Fresh cilantro is good but doesn't last long and can't really be frozen (although some people have had luck in ice cubes). It's great with homemade salsa.. Good idea to grow it yourself
  14. Does the top left pic show a distinctive feature (the 'tongue') or is it something else that points towards Alley? On a side note - it's incredible that so much useful info can end up in an unassuming topic where most wouldn't think to look for it
  15. Is there a consensus that the original sulphide figures were enclosed in glass, or were they inserted (and is there a way to tell the two methods apart)?
  16. That would be a stretch, but similar colors (so not entirely not beyond the realm of possibility)
  17. Makes sense that things evolve (recipes, manufacturing techniques), and cullet/dump samples span decades within a couple shovel scoops from each other. English colors, Murano glass, early onionskin colors (white/yellow base or no base) are beside the point of the auction, but interesting topics and worthy discussion.
  18. ...just like peeling back the layers of an onion
  19. Seen a couple of those as well. Once things were more automated, "keep production moving" was sometimes beyond a decision made by the artist. Some oddballs made it through
  20. I see your dilemma. It's a unique marble with character and you can still reasonably see what's going on inside. Polished it could lose some of that character. The wax might be a good compromise I'm still on the fence about this one (these pics are already underwater, so way worse surface condition than yours).
  21. Pretty marbles. Thanks for posting (looking forward to seeing some more)
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