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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. So was there something obvious (I don't see in the pics) that gave the opinion they were polished? Some German handmades with super clear glass are hard to believe as original but are. On the other hand some have been worked on but are hard to tell. What was the give away with these three?
  2. A lot of 'show' cars aren't more than full scale models, still to this day (at shows).
  3. Thanks, don't know much in this area so I appreciate the help. Nice job on the whistle. Here are a couple pics of what I was getting at (or trying to)
  4. Lol, thanks guys. I'm not savvy on the topic either so maybe some of my terms are incorrect. Basically, metal fabricators would stamp their product with a symbol or code that (when translated) helps to identify details such as where/when/who made it. I'm looking for a recommended forum where a two way discussion can be had. Similar to here where people post marbles for ID.
  5. Anyone know of a forum where pics/description of a metal hallmark or 'stamp' can be commented on? Not talking about fine silver/gold or anything like that. My guess is mainly copper/brass (military?), galvanized steel (tea pot, flask) and other items that might not be worth much time, but since some are marked it got me curious. Thanks
  6. but you said it wasn't one of yours? I'll stand by my original statement
  7. It doesn't look like a vintage (original) handmade
  8. Nice marble, and 1" too? I think I see what you mean and probably a chemistry thing (non-intentional) but hard to tell unless it's in-hand. Can't say I've seen mica show up unexpected, but aventurine does show up once in a while in odd places.
  9. The pics aren't bad in terms of focus and resolution, a couple other angles might help though. Nice marble.
  10. The one on the left looks like a non-melted regular pontil, on the right is 'melted' Opposite view. Whether they were made in OH or not I can't say for sure
  11. I see the conundrum. Call it a purdy looking marble? Nicely done at that
  12. Yeah, circle templates offer a 'tolerance' for the width of a pencil lead (and some pencils are thicker than others). Calipers are the way to go for sure
  13. Wow, that's more stuff than I would have expected. They were big marbles though
  14. Sissy, that much weight on a glass shelf makes me *cringe* just a little bit. Especially if there's an earthquake or something
  15. Hm... Still puzzled Nice marble though. Banded translucent with a looping pattern? Can't tell from the pics what the pontil looks like, is it faceted? I'll go out on a limb here, others might disagree with me and that's fine, but I can't help but wonder if these were made somewhere other than the average marble huts in Germany. Reason I say that is the style/size/colors don't really match up with other marbles from that era. If it was the 'first off cane' that could explain the style/size (being large and the looping pattern) but you'd expect to see at least a hint of the other traits in a more conventional German cane cut marble. I'd lean more towards an 'art glass' type of marble but that's just my opinion. It certainly doesn't take away from the eye appeal. I think Lloyd (?) might have had a couple that came with some older larger Germans so who knows
  16. Looking forward to them. Something about this type in this size has always been a bit puzzling.
  17. A 'single gathered pontil' or is there something going on at the opposite pole as well?
  18. Definitely a lot of color came through. The pattern 'adjustment' I need to think about a bit more, but looking at the before and after pictures I'm sure you're happier as it doesn't seem like there was a whole lot of visibility going in anyways and there's only so much that can be done with marbles beat to shite like that anyways Interesting work and to see the clear base come through on the last one
  19. Lol, I was thinking the same thing about pistachio family bottom left and thought crossed my mind about Champion on the top left with the lighter wispy lines (but thats just from the pics). I'm sure in hand they are great.
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