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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Interesting info in this thread. The part I'm having difficulty with is how the so-called color layer 'burns off' under a torch. To me that would indicate it's not really glass but some type of coating. Looking at post #4, to get a colored layer of glass one would assume after it was added that the marble would need to be beat to sh!t for those types of chips. Whereas a thin coating could have been dipped or brushed on an already chipped/damaged marble to give that appearance. In-hand it might be a different story. IMO if I sent a colored sulphide to be polished/fixed and it came back clear I'd be wondering what the heck happened
  2. JVV, I sure miss Alan's postings. Always interesting marbles and good pics + angles to look at. Greg,- loss for words, that's a tough past year. You've lost some good friends young..
  3. I'm curious what the those spur (gear) things are in post #5 and what they might be made out of
  4. So any ideas on what it might be? There might be a couple clues..
  5. Hey all, I know there are quite a few Pelts out there with aventurine whether intentional or not, but wondered if anyone has other pics of a 'Liberty' with blue aventurine? This one is a bit beat-up for the purists, so I'd like to see one in better condition if possible. Thanks
  6. Every year I hope Santa brings me more marbles or a better camera so I don't keep using this same pic. lol. Merry Christmas everyone ps. Galen, do you have a close up shot of row 27, column 22 from your pic?
  7. Any marbles on a Christmas card is just fine with me
  8. Hmm, the tissue might have been put in the bag to keep its shape or maybe as a dessicant or something. If it were original to the box that might be even more interesting...
  9. Nice compilation, you might be on to something here
  10. can you shine a strong light through it (maybe get more clues to construction from bubble/striations)?
  11. On the one side only is odd indeed. So, to clarify, this is not one you've polished yet. My guess is some sort of calcium or lime build up. Check valve?
  12. Takes some of the anonymity out of it, nice to see the people I've enjoyed chatting marbles with over the course! Old handmades preferred here
  13. I don't much collect newer marbles, but when I do.. .Barton's Balls And then some old German marbles which I also like
  14. Probably looks pretty stylin' I saw some window curtains with marble fabric a while back, might have a pic around somewhere. Years ago I remember seeing a kleenex box with popeye marbles printed on it too, wish I could have grabbed it or taken a pic (excuse me sir while I take a picture of your kleenex box). Funny how marble motifs end up in places like that.
  15. Interesting, more views might be needed. Is it the large ones you think are Akro?
  16. Nice Pelts (and display boards too), they look right at home. I'll try to get there someday. Thanks for posting those pics
  17. Nice marbles, not 'pinchers'. Stunning color on the greens as well
  18. Does the green onion in the first pic have lutz or is it dirty glass? Some of the other ones pictured don't look quite 'bad' as-is, but hope you get the results you're looking for,
  19. I'd say all the marbles posted so far are Euro's. On the first one you can especially see the spotty parts of the green (which kind of looks like aventurine from a distance) but is common to marbles with this combo and pattern.
  20. Nice Pelts, good to see some killer marbles in this thread
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