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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. I saw that eBay auction and thought I was confused also
  2. re: 'gapey pontil mark' lol. I think it had a lot to do with how much the marble was drawn off the cane before getting snipped. Then finishing the pontil via whatever method can sometimes 'open' it up more. Seen on just about any type of handmade. although some are more open than others
  3. The red/white alt core is great to see, nice example in (what looks to be) superb condtition
  4. I'd put that in with my Pelts, but yes the pic in the OP does look like it might be something else, but taking a closer look always helps. *edit* reasons why: -the 'oven brick' -the transaperent blue glass -the blow-out -the color combo/construction Also, love the pattern on that 'peltier hybrid rebel turkey'
  5. Ditto on the green in the handmades, don't give up on the pics VT, those were worth it! but I have seen lutz, on German Lats which doesn't look deliberate either. Probably contamination since it's just a single strand. Came across a banded lutz with a red noodle core in bad shape. There are odd ones out there
  6. Nice handmades, definitely not same cane (which is what I thought you meant at first) . That ribbon combo was not uncommon on handmades but there are similarities between the two in the amount of layers, use of colors on each layer etc
  7. The white base and apparent veneer make me think non-Pelt or Vitro. Although the first pic certainly makes it look like it could be a Pelt, the second pic rules it out imho
  8. Cool, nice to see. Don't think both ends would have a shallow indentation for a walking stick. Casters might make sense for a light object, a heavy load would cause it to fail/fracture...Drilling after the glass being molten could cause chipping, which I think I see in the pics...centering a drill bit on a rough pontil wouldn't be easy. I'll go with an old school razor straightener or something. C'mon dude, if these were at the "bottom of the box" what did the rest look like?
  9. OP marbles look pretty rough, agree that they can take on that look from being under water for a while. Craig, did the person from Bulgaria hint at any details? Bottom of Grandamas fish tank etc. Still - interesting patterns and colors, I think I've seen a couple like them before Dave, do any in post #11 have Mica or two pontils?
  10. Nice table. One of those would make for a nifty shifter (say that 10X fast). lol
  11. Was there a range for these sizes or did 00 mean spot on 9/16", and for that matter, how small did they go?
  12. Nice Pelts, always good to see some nice ones. Yellow/white in post #2 seems unusual, can't say I've seen one like that before
  13. So, did you get it? From the pics that big chip looks something to do with the construction (fold). It's a big fault tho, but I'd be happy with a chipped GR, rather than no GR. Bob, sounds like a good way to pay it forward, a classy thing to do.
  14. It might be a good opportunity until a nicer one comes along. Not everyone can afford the premium these seem to bring mint. Some will say to hold out for a M one but your call. Ditto on the polishing, you'd probably remove too much of the good stuff (aventurine, red turns to orange etc)
  15. Cool marble and looks like good symmetry with the pattern. I've only seen one other latticino with lutz but it was such a fine band I doubt it was intentional, Yours definitely looks intentional. I've also seen a clear banded lutz with purple bands and a red solid core (ok, it was really more like thick strand than a core) but still unusual for that type of marble. Hard to tell from the pics, what size is that beaut?
  16. Ok, any aventurine? Not that I question Pelt, just because nobody else asked yet
  17. Looks like a nice blue/red Pelt in the one auction. Should be some fun sorting through them all with your Kid
  18. Coolio, interested to see more of the marbles in the box. Nice haul on the other ones as well
  19. I'm thinking more about what marbles would have nested on that board over the years, wow. German Tactics font/pattern/colors seem more predominant, maybe lends a clue to age + origin
  20. I'd agree the OP doesn't look CAC, does it by chance have an opalescent base (ie messed up Vitro?) ...other than the obvious slags as well j/k I'm sure that's what you meant
  21. I'd bet that's what a lot of kids tried to do long ago, smash the marble to 'free' the animal
  22. Nice pickup, any date mentioned in the packaging?
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