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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Nice symmetry, they look kinda neat with hardly any twist
  2. I did some months ago, similar results. Air rifle to relieve pressure, then axe to bust open cans. Still got paint splatter everywhere.
  3. Might have better luck in separate posts or numbering but the red and yellow on black(?) Looks interesting
  4. Also worth mentioning (again) is value is subjective. I traded some machine mades I didn't collect for some handmades I do collect. Were the mahine mades more "rare"? Maybe? But being a type I didn't collect, it didn't really matter to me much at all.
  5. I gotta say, if those marbles are the ones he's willing to trade they are some nice examples.
  6. 9.4cm, right? Cool piece. How everything is attached together could lend some clues. Curious about wear on bottom of wood too. Could have been a paperweight added to the wood after the fact.
  7. Not even going to ask what a Halloween is
  8. Not sure if we're all looking at the same marble here? To me looks like a Pelt Tiger with aventurine and unpolished surface?
  9. ^^yes, my first thought also. Prima is another possibility. Akro distant 3rd.
  10. Asking a group for an opinion and, no surprise, a variety of answers. Even with both marbles in hand it would still be subjective.
  11. How big are the larger ones? Looks like some common Peltier Rainbo combos but if the are larger than standard 5/8" that might be more appealing to some collectors
  12. Tommy pretty sure your green hand gathered slag is US origin and not German. Nice marble tho
  13. There are a couple interesting ones in the group. I see at least 3 worth another look
  14. Nice pattern on some of those green transitional. Every so often they rival "American quality" speaking of which your group reminds me of most non-american mid-century groups. Similar construction techniques but missing the pop and complex patterns getting cranked out of the US marble factories. Cool group
  15. Beauty of a day to get out for some fresh air with ze Germans
  16. Deepest blue base I've ever personally seen on a German Latt
  17. The marble posted looks To be in pretty decent original shape. A good example for its type and would display well. If any mica Lutz or aventurine, you'd be looking at a premium. The dark streak in the blue looks like contamination or debris but throw a couple sparkles in the mix and interest goes up
  18. Value is so subjective. You probably won't get a straight answer. Some people consider any type of damage = worthless. Other people value the rarity or the color or the pattern etc. Etc etc
  19. maybe it will show up better on a darker background? I'll go along with slag. Could have been a variety of makers unless some sort of defining trait(s). The clear looks like good quality glass
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