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Everything posted by Steph

  1. My thought was "this is the kind that some say is Kokomo, so I'm pleased to see no one saying it so far." I don't know what to think about how many marbles are now getting called Koko by people whose ID-ing ability I greatly respect.
  2. Ric, are you thinking older than transitional? Purely handmade? Tommy, a close-up of the cutline could be helpful. The same shot even, just all by itself, not in the collage.
  3. My first thought was transitional. Then I saw Ric's doubt and so my second thought was ......... dramatic pause ......... still transitional.
  4. New pix could be very illuminating.
  5. For me the road and tunnel. I knew yellow was within the realm of possibility, but it was the road and tunnel.
  6. I think yes to CAC on top. No to turkeyhead on bottom, but just because I think the bottom is not a CAC and the turkeyhead name is reserved for CAC's.
  7. I think Vitro or Peltier on the right. The left is a puzzle. Are you saying it's a corkscrew?
  8. What the heck, is right. That's some kinda cold roll. I suppose this one will also be in consideration as a Jabo. Not common for such a small Jabo to be so busy, but it can happen. I'm intrigued by the square end on that ribbon in the last view. Seems like it could be a clue but ???
  9. I was sure the left one looked vintage. The well-defined ribbon plus a vibe I got from the texture of the slightly translucent base glass was why I picked Heaton. But Ron is the man when it comes to swirls so I defer to him.
  10. Slags were a different method in an earlier period. Slags were discontinued and corks were introduced at the tail end of 1929 or the beginning of 1930. In the 1930's though, there were lots of marbles which weren't corks. There were patches, sparklers, moonies, flinties and as you say, game marbles. I'd guess they had different set ups for those which didn't have a spinner cup attached at all.
  11. Dani posted this page from Roger and Claudia Hardy's Akro guide. Has a lot of info in it, though it doesn't all make sense to me. (I'm getting hung up on the probably trivial point of it looking like the glass was dropped halfway down the rollers.) Big version at Dani's site: spinnercup.jpg (2550×3300) (inthenet.net) (might need to give the picture an extra click to get to full size) Little version for preview
  12. It has been a while since we've had a thread on how the Akro spinner cup worked. Pictures are missing and links are broken in some of our past threads. Anyone up for making a fresh explanation of the cork-making process? Thanks in advance.
  13. I'll guess Heaton on left and Champion on right.
  14. Someone is selling two ready to run 5/8" machines, enough fire block to do the outside and top of one or two furnaces, one furnace frame, and some odd and end materials. If you have serious interest in making such an acquisition, I can put you in contact with someone who can fill you in the materials and negotiate a price. The price on all would be less than the price of building one machine.
  15. Yes, tri-color agate on #1. Also "lifesaver" colors.
  16. 5/8" -- claimed to be M- but I think I see damage -- $76 -- had a $75 start price Clambroth marble. Black with White Stripes. Handmade. Pontiled. 5/8" Mint-. $75. | eBay
  17. 3/4" -- not sure if mint but nicer condition than the 5/8" -- $116 Antique Handmade German Clambroth Black & White Stripes Marble 3/4" Beautiful | eBay Had a 99 cent start price with 23 bids.
  18. 5/8" black and white -- not mint -- $95 Vintage Clambroth German Black White Striped Handmade Marble 5/8" | eBay Had a $95 start price with one bid.
  19. It doesn't look quite as old to me as the glass of the NLR marbles which sometimes get called Miller Swirls.
  20. Cork gone wrong? Pelt gone wrong? Double ingot?
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