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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Help ID 31

    Slag on left, possibly Akro. Alley on right.
  2. Steph

    Help ID 26

    Do you recognize the oxblood on that one in the group photo? Have you put a blacklight on it?
  3. Steph

    Help ID 26

    I think Marble King on your yellow cat eye. Based on the vane shape.
  4. Hello. Welcome. With a heart on the end, that looks contemporary. Maybe someone will recognize whose style it is. @Alan, do you recognize the heart?
  5. Steph

    Help ID 26

    It could be burnt. That could be fire damage. Hard to see what is beyond the brown surface. Maybe a Peltier Rainbo?
  6. i do not recognize these colors with that pattern. I guess MK or Vitro.
  7. Steph

    Help ID 22

    Three vanes is foreign. Three vanes with coke bottle tint base glass is relatively modern. Probably Asian. (Black is still cool.)
  8. Steph

    Help ID 22

    I don't know. With chubbier vanes, could be Vitro. But I can't rule out Marble King. Also, I can't tell if I'm seeing tint in the base glass or if that's color coming through from the colors on your background surface. If the base is tinted, that complicates matters.
  9. Steph

    Help ID 22

    With the green-tinted base glass I would expect these to be be Asian. How many vanes do they have? If three, then Asian.
  10. Steph

    Help ID 22

    Might be a good time to make a new thread, but here's an old thread with various examples of both Japanese and American. https://marbleconnection.com/topic/7184-japanese-cats-eye
  11. Steph

    Help ID 24

    These may all be modern Asian.
  12. Steph

    Help ID 23

    Bottom left is Akro Corkscrew. Next one over is a Moss Agate. Middle is Peltier Rainbo.
  13. Steph

    Help ID 22

    Can't give a rule of thumb. If you have four-vane marbles, then most likely American or early Japanese. And early Japanese ones are nice.
  14. Steph

    I.d req.

    Dunno. Not a classic Imperial structure. Not classic Imperial colors. I'd at least consider the possibility of it being Master.
  15. I go outside when I need to have my best chance of getting the color right. Have learned much more about what I want in a camera, so I'll be able to make a more educated choice next time.
  16. If I have the right one, I see it in hand as having a gray base, with yellow, brown and faint white stripes.
  17. I thought I was seeing crystalline areas ... which is why I suggested stone.
  18. Love it! Love that style of marbles. I remember them from when I was a kid. They're like the comfort food of marbles. The Macaroni & Cheese of marbles.
  19. Not what I think of when I hear alabaster. Alabaster is white. Here are some "real" allies. If that's stone, then I think it's in the category of "mineral sphere", rather than marble.
  20. I was having trouble getting colors and focus to come close to working. Then finally I decided I had given it a good enough shot. .... and then my camera leapt out of my hands and into the middle of the marbles, sending them sprawling across the table and some onto the floor and there's at least one moon in one of my favorites (the tiger-eye-colored cat's eye) ... and I haz a sad. But it's not too bad so I'll haz a happy again soon.
  21. Friend got them from a gift shop in Colorado. He knew they were modern but figured "marbles = Stephanie". Has some beauties. Including one with the single color lightning-strike-like pattern around the middle.
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