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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Randy, did you try to post a picture last night? Jason made some changes a short while back so that you can upload a photo of almost any size and the software will resize it for you. If you tried, and there's still some issue, I'm sure he'd like to hear it.
  2. Steph

    I.d req.

    The rooster has kind of a housepaint look to the white. And I think the white is generally a more distinct ribbon ... not as blobby as I'm seeing with yours. https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=49
  3. Steph

    I.d req.

    The left marble is looking thoroughly old to me. The white on the white (edit: I meant "right") marble is so bright that I would consider Rooster because of your concerns. But the structure doesn't look Rooster-y to me. I think old on both.
  4. Steph

    Rainbo ?

    Could be. I'm wavering .
  5. Steph

    I.d req.

    Counting from left to right ... Top row, #4, looks like a Pelt. The rest in that row look modern. Middle row, #3 looks Akro. #4 looks Vitro ... but maybe Akro. #5 looks modern. #1 ... MK I think but not sure how old. #2 ... can't tell if old or new. Bottom: can't tell if old or new. More views might help on the red and whites.
  6. Ha! I took a walk in the woods this morning. Found this little masterpiece on the ground. Hoping the previous occupants found safe shelter.
  7. It does stand out a bit. If I saw it alone I might have guessed Champion. It's possible an American-made marble could have found its way into the lot.
  8. Steph

    Rainbo ?

    First one also made me wonder about how early it might be.
  9. Hm, one inch. That's important. I do not know what it means with this color combination. But it's important. I totally do not recognize this. No clue.
  10. LOL ... *downloads Japanese Berlitz program* Yes ... mysterious origin ... same colors as the transitionals which pop up most in Canada
  11. Hiya. Welcome! Love to hear from people who actually PLAYED marbles!
  12. Is that white or green? Or both? I just changed my monitor and the colors are going to take time getting used to. The marble does look old to me. I'm wondering about possibly a Christensen slag with a smaller than average amount of white. But if that is green then all bets are off.
  13. Hello. Short answer: probably not. If those little cat's eyes are true peewees (not even a hair over 1/2" in diameter) they're the most interesting thing I see in the lot. I would probably consider donating the group to children. Maybe to Cub Scouts.
  14. Smiling at the feeling of things falling back into place. That said, I don't see oxblood on the Rainbo on the right. Also, I think your Akro cork is a Prize Name. I don't think the third color is intentional -- just what happens when red and green glass meet. Nice coloring on your Rainbo with the heart.
  15. I'm going with Pelt Rainbo on the top left. Not NLR. The one to the right of it might be Jabo. The green one might be Asian. The reflection is softening the detail I'm looking for, so I won't rule out Master, but I'm seriously considering Asian. Not seeing enough detail on the bottom left.
  16. Steph


    I'll vote Vitro on the larger ones.
  17. Steph


    My thoughts, left to right Akro, Pelt, Pelt, Alley, Master
  18. Eek. I'm not seeing Marble King Rainbow. My brain is a bit mushy tonight. My first thought was Vitro, but I am not placing the style if it's Vitro. Maybe it's Akro.
  19. I think this one could turn out to be a Christensen Agate. But do NOT take my word for this! Wait for more opinions.
  20. Oh gosh, with those colors, and now that you mention it, "of course".
  21. Having two ribbons of one color and a third ribbon with a second color is unexpected. For age, I would have guessed at least a little later than "early 60s", but I don't know.
  22. Yes, only Akro for corkscrews. I'm seeing all of those as being essentially two-color marbles. Yes, Prize Names.
  23. IMO, some unrecognized company in Asia.
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