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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    The left might be an Akro corkscrew. Maybe a "lazy corkscrew".
  2. I think Marble King on the left -- but again could be Vitro All-Red Could be Vitro Tiger Eye in the middle. Maybe a Master on the right.
  3. Left Master Middle WV swirl Right Marble King
  4. Steph


    Good chance on Master for all 3.
  5. Steph


    Vitro All-Red on left. Then two Peltier Rainbos. The middle marble is also known as a Sunset.
  6. My first thought was Marble King on the left. Which is odd because basically that's a Vitro All-Red pattern. But I'm going with my gut. Alley Agate on the right. I find the brown band down the middle of that one side on the middle marble to be interesting. And it's getting in the way of me making a guess. I do not recognize it.
  7. On the left is a Peltier Rainbo. I think that's a Vitro on the right. Leaning Vitro also in the middle but I hesitate.
  8. Left is a Vitro Blackline All-Red. The right ... that long flat seem in the second view is moving me away from Master. Maybe Master. But maybe European? I don't know!
  9. I'm not sure what the white one technically would be. I mostly leave mine together. Tiny Ben looks impish.
  10. Steph


    How many marbles am I looking at? There does seem to be a bit of Master in there. Some kind of damage on the last picture. But I don't know if it's some big chip or the result of a mishap during production.
  11. This is a Tiger Eye. About 10 or 15 years after the Conquerors.
  12. I think it's an Akro. I don't know the collector's name for it.
  13. Vitro made the Helmets. If it's called a Helmet by most collectors, it's a Vitro. (For some time, it was thought maybe Akro made them, but that has been cleared up. Only Vitro.) I'm not seeing Helmets here, but they do appear to mostly be Vitro. (I'm not sure about the blue one on the bottom middle.) Bottom right Conqueror. I think top right may be in the Conqueror family also, but with a blue base I'm not 100% where it lands.
  14. Steph


    #3 might be a patch. Maybe a Marble King. I _think_ I'm seeing long seams on it. The others would be swirls. I think Alley on #2. On #1, I once again have my usual thought when I see a purple and red swirls ... that I really should remember it from the last time I saw it but for some reason the maker doesn't stick.
  15. Hi Matt. I thought about waving ... but I didn't have an answer for you so I kept my peace.
  16. Steph

    ID Help

    I think Vacor on the left. On the right, not sure. How big of "shooter size"? I'm sort of leaning Jabo, but I'm not ruling out an older swirl.
  17. Yes, looks like a St. Marys cat's eye. The ideal for a blue and yellow would be to have two blue vanes across from each other and two yellow vanes across from each other, with a clean separation. But there was a wide range of variation.
  18. Steph


    That's a Master. Not a sparkler.
  19. The top one in that last photo looks like it might have three vane colors - white, light blue, darker blue.
  20. Steph


    I think Alley swirl on the left. Akro corkscrew on the right.
  21. Yes, Vitro. Conquerors.
  22. Steph


    I think two West Virginia swirls and then possibly a Pelt.
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