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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    Middle and right are Peltier. I'm not getting a handle on the cutlines on the purple one.
  2. Steph


    Congrats on a popeye in the wild!
  3. Steph


    Really? That orange is coming from the green? Naturally I considered the possibility that it was from some kind of blend, but I didn't see how we would get that as a blend, so I got my hopes up for Dindo.
  4. Steph


    That pattern doesn't look modern. But with that vivid green taking up half the marble, I'm not placing it. Maybe Vitro?
  5. Steph


    The yellow and black is definitely a Marble King Bumblebee. No oddball there. A classic. Alley on bottom right.
  6. Steph

    Vitro or MK

    Vitro Tiger Eyes It'll start to gel soon!
  7. Steph


    Cool! And yes! That looks like a distinct extra color. That would be a Hybrid Popeye ... which is highly valued.
  8. Steph


    P.s., the glowing lavender is from Fenton Burmese glass cullet.
  9. Steph


    Only three. I expected more. But I do have some 3/4" Jabos with similar-looking lavender which disappointed me by not glowing. But pretty is good.
  10. Thanks, Alan. I was curious about how anyone would work with such tiny bits.
  11. And to think last month I got giddy over hubby bringing me home a BB-sized clearie -- no color.
  12. Ha! That would be EX Cit Ing! Itty bitty ones? Who made 'em?
  13. Hmmm ... hard to say. I would look for cutlines and would look to see if the white seems to mostly connect those cutlines. But maybe it's just a clearie with a little stray white. Clearies weren't always perfectly uniform.
  14. Steph


    Large size can add value.
  15. Uranium to give the green glow. Manganese and selenium are elements which can be associated with orange glow when used to color glass. Vitrolite cullet is responsible for some of the green glow in West Virginia swirls. Most of those look like WV swirls. The red white and blue one needs more views in regular light -- I'm thinking maybe Peltier there. UV glass goes back at least to the 1800s and continues to this century.
  16. Three of those pictures seem to show roughly the same portion of the marble. I say good chance of Akro.
  17. Steph


    I'm not currently seeing a pelt structure. Not sure what it is though.
  18. Steph


    That could have been sold in a Bloodies box.
  19. Steph

    Not sure

    My guesses would be between Vitro Cat's Eye and Peltier. I'll go with Cat's Eye.
  20. Is the white swirling? Or is it mostly straight? This could be a Master.
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