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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Help ID 2

    Top row -- Left: this view looks like an Akro Corkscrew Middle: ? Right: Maybe Akro Middle row -- Left: I think a West Virginia Swirl -- the purple and blue is an unusual coloring Middle: Also possibly a West Virginia Swirl -- white and blue is a common coloring Right: I see a tiny bit of blue peeking around from the back -- need to see more of that Bottom row -- Not getting a feel for any of them
  2. Not very hard to find. But not as common as an All-Red.
  3. That's called horsehair oxblood. A "turkey" or "turkey head" is a name reserved for Christensen Agates. Your marble would be a West Virginia Swirl of some kind so it wouldn't be called a turkey even though, yeah, that's pretty much the shape the turkey head would take on a Christensen. As to which West Virginia swirl company may have made it, I think people usually say Alley or Champion.
  4. Lady Grant? Is it a wrist watch? I relatively recently had an intro to the history of wrist watches and learned that for a long time they were mostly for women. But since this was after WWI, I think they were a male thing also by then.
  5. Top row, left to right. 1. Might be a Master. 2. Looks like it might be a German handmade. 3. Might be an Akro or a Master. . Might be a Peltier or an Akro. Middle row: 1. Might be an Akro or a Master. 2. Too worn for me to make a guess right now. 3. Slag 4. Possibly an Akro corkscrew Bottom: 1. Possibly a West Virginia swirl 2. Maybe a Master 3. Clay 4. I think a Peltier Rainbo 5. Master More views might clear up some of the "maybe"s and "possibly"s.
  6. That IS fun! Thanks. I love that style and love seeing the big ones.
  7. Jose, please post your new groups in a new thread. Thanks.
  8. I thought Hansel's question was whether this marble exhibited the road-and-tunnel feature. Not about who made it. Is it not close enough to qualify? I associate road-and-tunnel with Christensen Agate ... and with European striped transparents. Edit: there was a little hiccup on the lower left which I thought might rule out the road-and-tunnel designation ... but I was hopeful.
  9. Master, Vitro, and .... ? Not sure if the right one is a slag or a swirl
  10. Vitro Tri-Lite. 1930's. Though the stripe is a little off center I think it would qualify as a Helmet.
  11. I'd say yes ... but maybe someone else will see some technicality which rules it out.
  12. In the 2nd photo, the top left appears to be an Akro corkscrew. Possibly the top right is also one. On the left hand side in the middle row, that purple and blue combination will probably mean something to someone. I feel I should recognize it. But I'll just say "West Virginia Swirl". In the first photo, the top right and the next one underneath it might also be Akro corkscrews. But the top right could also be a Peltier Rainbo or something else. More views are needed. The bottom right looks like it might turn out to be a Master.
  13. Yeah, looks like a handgathered slag.
  14. Not Peltier. My first thought was Alley. But that thick, bright white with the airpops is telling me Vacor. I think you have a Tidal Wave. https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=59
  15. Not a Tri-Color patch. I think this is basically a two-color marble. Marketed as an Akro Royal. Akro seams tend to be longer and straighter than Master seams. Master often have a pronounced curvature, making them U-shaped or even V-shaped.
  16. Steph

    New groups

    I split this off into a new thread ... leaving that other thread for those three handmade marbles. This is still a lot for one thread. You have such a mix of marble. I think I see an Akro Moss Agate from the 1930's. And I see a Marble King from around 1960. There's an Alley from the 1950's. You have some Vacors from this century. And more. Sooo ... we're getting there but still smaller groups of marbles are better, with a separate thread for each group. Also for each group, it can be helpful to give us more than one photo of the group, with the marbles rotated so that we can see different views.
  17. It's a little bit slow-motion. Is that intentional? Can you tweak that?
  18. Yes, good pictures. In this new ordering, I think modern Marble King Rainbo on the top left -- from 2000-ish. Top Middle --- still torn between Master and Akro -- a 1930's marble Top right -- if Vintage, I'm leaning Alley, 1940's. Bottom left -- pretty sure Vitro. Maybe in the Conqueror family. 1940's. Bottom Middle -- Vitro Tiger Eye. 1950's. Bottom Right -- still wondering about Cairo Novelty but no strong feelings
  19. I generally move handmade questions to the main chat forum. I'll do that now ..... (These are from Germany, possibly from the 1800's ... or could be early 1900's.)
  20. Hi. Welcome. You can still learn IDs even with damaged marbles. Best to post a few at a time, maybe four at a time, with a new thread for each group. Otherwise, we'll be trying to say "You see that one at the top, sort of right of center, with the red and green -- that's a Marble King Rainbow Red." Can get very complicated very quickly.
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