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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    Goodness. The coloring and the ribbon ends look modern to me. Mostly.
  2. I was thinking maybe Akro or Anacortes Vitro on the third. Which could mean anywhere from the 1930's to 1990 on that one! But since the grouping is mostly older, I guess lean away from the Anacortes idea and more to the Akro idea (or what Richard said).
  3. You're right about these being Benningtons. As to how modern marbles get into older collections ... it almost always manages to happen. Someone knows where the marble jar is and slips some newer ones in there. Maybe. And as to how to tell ... oh, that is a long story. Sometimes colors or textures. Often structure. This one doesn't look too very new. Could be from an intermediate period. Vintage is usually considered before 1970. Maybe this is from around then. But the colors and structure look _more_ like a modern Mexican or Asian marble than they do like the closest American marbles they resemble. The way the ribbons join at the short seam in your picture here makes this one look closest to being a Master marble, if it were American. That is a "seam" or a "cutline", by the way, not a pontil in this photo. Pontil would be for a handmade or handgathered marble. This is machinemade.
  4. I don't see pictures. P.s. when posting a lot of ID threads, it would be helpful not to name them all the same thing. A title such as "Bennington?" would help a lot.
  5. Many beads were made with the same materials as marbles were made with.
  6. Wow @ your lutzy one. Second one is a German handmade, but I'm not sure of the style name. Third one might be Master.
  7. These would be modern marbles, and foreign. Mexican or Asian.
  8. Possibly Master on the first two.
  9. At close to an inch and swirly, that first one might be Jabo. Or it might be Alley.
  10. Steph


    I have a special fondness for those.
  11. Colors could be dug Akro? But the last time I thought dug Akro on a peachy ribbon, I think the consensus was Vitro, so I'm really just tossing that out there, not voting.
  12. Steph


    Right and left look modern. Middle could be vintage. Maybe a Master? (It looks Mastery but for some reason I had it in my head that we wouldn't find red in Masters very much, so maybe something else but it still looks vintage.)
  13. With those shreds, I would think Akro ... but I would run it by Dani. @zaboo
  14. An award-winning video short. Available for free viewing on Vimeo. I'm about to watch it now. http://allthemarblesmovie.com/?fbclid=IwAR3Ex8VhK0seplOqhrOE0EGYPiJ8VE1PHXvChDEGI515FcjY7YPbIoi_d88
  15. Love me some sunsets. Ours is 4:12 today.
  16. Doh! I really thought I was on the right track on those guys on the left! Oh well. Swirls are my waterloo.
  17. Steph


    Right on the Peltier. Going with Vitro all-red on the last. How did you decided Ravenswood on the first? On the second, I guess it could be Vitro. I seem to recall them having some larger-sized game marbles.
  18. Hello. Welcome. Yes, we started out as Alan's Marble Connection. Then became Lou's Marble Connection. And now our new host is Jason. @bumblebee
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