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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    Right and left look modern. Middle could be vintage. Maybe a Master? (It looks Mastery but for some reason I had it in my head that we wouldn't find red in Masters very much, so maybe something else but it still looks vintage.)
  2. With those shreds, I would think Akro ... but I would run it by Dani. @zaboo
  3. An award-winning video short. Available for free viewing on Vimeo. I'm about to watch it now. http://allthemarblesmovie.com/?fbclid=IwAR3Ex8VhK0seplOqhrOE0EGYPiJ8VE1PHXvChDEGI515FcjY7YPbIoi_d88
  4. Love me some sunsets. Ours is 4:12 today.
  5. Doh! I really thought I was on the right track on those guys on the left! Oh well. Swirls are my waterloo.
  6. Steph


    Right on the Peltier. Going with Vitro all-red on the last. How did you decided Ravenswood on the first? On the second, I guess it could be Vitro. I seem to recall them having some larger-sized game marbles.
  7. Hello. Welcome. Yes, we started out as Alan's Marble Connection. Then became Lou's Marble Connection. And now our new host is Jason. @bumblebee
  8. Even if vintage, alley and champ aren't the only possibilities. Heaton is another. Check here: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/6790-mostly-pix-heaton/ Not a phantom conqueror. I don't think people worry much about "phantom" or not. But phantom has white filaments inside instead of seeming to be brushed on the surface.
  9. No, I'm not seeing Jabo. And no, slightly smaller size doesn't say anything to me. It might say something to someone else. I can understand why Mibber might think Jabo. I still think vintage.
  10. Yes, I Vitro Conquerer on the middle one. Circa 1940's.
  11. Hello. Welcome. The center one looks like it might turn into a Vitro if we saw some more views. The others look like West Virginia Swirls. Maybe Alley or Champion.
  12. Steph


    Hiya. Vitro Blackline All-Red in the middle. Maybe Akro on both ends? Or Peltier on the left? And ... hmmm ... I don't have a second guess for the right one but it does look vintage to me.
  13. Feeling a little festive. Post your holiday marbles. I'll start with my freshest marble mail from Dave McCullough.
  14. Perfect! I gotta get one of those for my purse!
  15. Hello. We might be able to help! You could post an overview shot so we could get an idea of the general age. If their all modern that would give a pretty quick idea of value. To get many specifics though post a few per thread in the ID forum: http://marbleconnection.com/forum/22-marble-id39s/
  16. The cleaning patches? Yeah, I guess they might.
  17. No, not worth much. An average Tri-Lite might bring you a dollar or two but not so much that it would stop you from letting kids play with cool orbs. A few hundred could add up to something, of course. And there are some fancier Tri-Lites which could bring more.
  18. And I have a bunch of these tins which might be cute to store marbles in ... .... except for how I like to have clear-topped or at least easily labeled storage places so that I can know what's inside. Hmmmm .....
  19. I love this little jar which has nothing to do with marbles .....
  20. Better. From left to right, #1 appears to be an Asian marble. Considered "modern" as in after 1970, but 1970 is 48 years ago already. How did THAT happen? #2 is still a question mark for me. Marble King? Vitro? ? #3 I was still thinking Alley on #3, but with as white as it looks that makes me think it could be Ravenswood. So I'm going Alley or Ravenswood. Something in the WV swirl family. #4 now appears to be a Vitro Tri-Lite. From the 1930's.
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