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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    Asian on bottom. Presumably modern-ish.
  2. Another month, another bump! 68 ! Can we push it over the 70 mark?! Let's do this!
  3. Steph


    I can't think of a better guess.
  4. I didn't even notice about them being shooters. Thanks for weighing in, Al. (And Richard -- thanks for getting the ball rolling, Richard!)
  5. The Alox with Marble Kings is tricky. Alox did bag Marble Kings after they stopped making their own marbles. Nancy Frier (granddaughter of the founder) showed pix full of what I am sure were Marble King cats from the factory. BUT ... it is true that Alox bags are very likely to be fantasy or backfilled. The bottom packages would make my heart flutter a little if they say "Japan" on them anywhere. And I would look to see if those were cross-through cats. The glass swan bag looked like Jabo to me also, so whether it's a legit premium or a weird fantasy bag, it'd be newish. If you could get them for an average of $2 or $3 a bag, I'd go for it. Might go a little higher depending on of those are Japanese bags, especially with cross-throughs in them.
  6. I did not know Gordon Lightfoot was Canadian. I love learning about Canada. This love is something I came into late in life ... after I binge-watched the Due South series a few years ago.
  7. Looks very different! I'd ask @wvrons who made that swirl on the left. It looks vintage, but I can't keep straight the red/white/blues. Champ? Alley? Ravenswood? With the new photos, the aqua one is starting to look like a Japanese transitional. Need to see more of it ...
  8. I can't remember if we have discussed background color before. Gray tends to be a good background color to use to get other colors close to true.
  9. hehe ... blue mib group ... I get it That deep green look on the left is really skyblue? It has sort of a slag look ???? Does the second have an iridescent finish. I won't swear old, but this Vacor has some similar colors. (plus and iridescent finish) https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=60 No ideas other than WV swirl on #3 and #4.
  10. Steph

    Doctor Who

    My husband watched it in the 80's. Maybe the 70's. On PBS. He liked Tom Baker. He was my boyfriend then, so I was aware of the series, but didn't really understand what it was about. Then I dove in with the 2005 revival and have been hooked ever since.
  11. George Sourlis sent me this a second time because I couldn't remember if I had it. (I recognized it right away after he sent it again.) Hopefully I'll be able to find it easily next time .... because I'll add it to my Through The Years thread. Master Marble ads. And Akro ads. And those little boxes with three marbles. And the serious mibster could still buy a real cornelian shooter. (if I click through a few times, I get to a bigger copy for better viewing)
  12. this tune has been knocking around in my head for about a week ... I keep singing the same couple of lines over and over so I looked it up to remember more of it
  13. Thanks! That's funny. The opposite of how a few new marbles almost always slip into old lots. Somehow two older marbles slipped into my friend's new lot.
  14. That's a nice video length. And the music was pretty cool also. And the winner had an exciting finish
  15. I'm having a really hard time getting the contrast between the two shades. The hues are close here (on my monitor). This was too bright but it's the setting where I got the most angles.
  16. oh fun *goes to get a hot chocolate and a blanket to settle in and watch the episode*
  17. Steph


    I don't know what to make of those other colors. Those two white ribbons remain my anchor. They say Rainbo machine or early Asian. The rest doesn't change that for me, but it stops me from going any further.
  18. Steph


    The partial ribbon symmetry and the bubbly base look Peltier. (with a hint of early Asian) Is there more stuff happening inside? Something green inside the champagne? Or is that reflection?
  19. Thanks, I'll try to rustle up a few more pix.
  20. Actually, a friend's father gave him the marbles. And my friend sent them home with me to ID them ... and then .... *hanging head* .... I kept them so long that they got lost back in my labyrinthine office area and when I found them again my friend had already moved to Colorado and he didn't really want them (which I already knew) and so now they're mine. But we will never speak of this again. I don't know where the father picked them up.
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