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Everything posted by Steph

  1. My husband finally has started eating adult bread. (He buys most of the bread.) So now we're getting some interesting ones. Italian or cottage or bread with nuts. For years he only bought plain white bread -- like generic Wonder bread. I like this change.
  2. Steph

    Id req.

    I'm not sure I would have seen a 9 in the first one, but I can believe you, since I'm pretty sure I see 9's and tails in the next two. I'm comfortably saying no to Jabo. Not sure about MFC. Not saying no, but not sure about textures and colors.
  3. With other companies we usually think of a hybrid as a marble which was made when they were switching the glass mixture from my combination to a second combination, so you could get colors from both combos.
  4. Someone posted a picture of a marble with a screw in it. I coveted it.
  5. Hi. Nah. Furnace brick and other debris is interesting. But it rarely adds value. If it was something really different like a screw, it might be a different story.
  6. Steph

    Id req.

    ???? If vintage, I'm wondering about Peltier.
  7. Aaaaarrrgghh. The lighting! Is the green only green? It looks fairly solid on my monitor. If so, it would not be a hybrid. The red appears to have white edging, so that's considered a hybrid. Reminder: the Vitro hybrids were presumably intentional, which is different from how the word is usually used. (Yes, definitely ready for some cats! )
  8. My first guess is Akro. 2nd is an older Vitro.
  9. That would be getting yourself in a little deep.
  10. That would be very sweet. A spot of sunshine in her year.
  11. Vitro is a good possibility. Not a standard All-Red pattern. So maybe someone made a mistake. Though sometimes surprising things do show up in officially marked bags.
  12. Gladding-Vitro was the Vitro company name from 1969 through 1982. I don't recognize that as an All-Red, or even as a Vitro from that era. Was the bag sealed when you found it?
  13. My birthday marbles DAS Equinox, 9/25/18 A mist of lutz on the 2nd from the right, middle row.
  14. Steph


    The texture + structure looks modern Asian to me. Gotta be one of the prettiest I've seen.
  15. .... I guess sometimes the color funnel went one way and sometimes another without them telling it to .... just a guess .... sometimes it spun quickly and you got a lot of twists on the marbles and sometimes it hardly spun at all and you'd get a lazy cork or even a patch.
  16. It means you have a surprising number of corks which just go the other way. Someone with access to a lot of corks (I think it was Dani) said they found about a 50-50 split between the clockwise and counterclockwise corks. (Keep it in your Akro pile.)
  17. Hey, peltheads, check out his color.
  18. Yeah, I think so. With those two loops, it's looks like the baseball-stitching style of NLR. What colors are you seeing in hand?
  19. that's different .... Just looked it up. I see I was in high school when it came out. I should have known about that one. But I did not.
  20. Looks vintage from here.
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