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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'm thankful for each and every one of you. Hope everyone has a pleasant Thanksgiving.
  2. Steph


    Okay, at that size, then I'm definitely going Akro Moss Agate with the green ones. But the red one makes my brain a little tired.
  3. Steph


    No. At least the first three are not. Pretty sure not on the last one either. The first two are moss agates. I think the third is also. I guess Akro on all three though that patches have different shapes. Master also made moss agates. And Peltier made the Acme Realer which can look similar except there is orange fire in the base glass of the Realer. What size on those?
  4. Steph


    p.s. gotta say again how neat those two are. In a world where Conquerors are commons, those two big 'uns are still keepers.
  5. Steph


    I don't often refer to the Phantom Conqueror. I put all the Conquerors together, whether the white is on the surface or inside. So Victories with just the color patch. And Conquerors with the color patch and white.
  6. Steph


    Oooh. Nice. Vitro Conquerors. 1940's. You don't see big ones every day.
  7. It was a turquoise day. I went to a thrift store -- asked if they had marbles. Of course no. But it turns out there were some on the odds and ends table in the sorting room. When loose marbles come in they go into a bag on that odds and ends table and then later if a game box is missing marbles they might get some from this bag. Since they were mostly modern, I wasn't very interested, but as I gave the nice lady a casual lesson about some of the ones she pulled out that she liked, I couldn't help mentioning how much I like turquoise ... and she bagged up all the turquoises for me for a dollar. I tried to leave some because I didn't want to hog them but she fished out them all. I really do love turquoise.
  8. When someone posts their almost finished tomato and mayo sandwich in the Old Fashioned Cooking group on Facebook and you think the little picture in the notifications looks like a Peltier .....
  9. Steph


    Could be. Could be a missed up one from another maker. But being so wonky maybe that ups the odds of dug Akro.
  10. Steph


    pic #2 is where I started thinking ingot rather than cold roll. Looks a little like a red Peltier ribbon coming up to the seam on the right, but on the left that red ribbon doesn't look like it meant to run up to that seam, if indeed it is a seam I am seeing. That it's an oversized marble is also encouraging for it being a double ingot. Some people see cold rolls on small marbles and think maybe a double ingot, not thinking about how the double ingot has to be big enough to hold the glass of two marbles.
  11. Steph


    Well, the dictionary is trying to tell me that an ingot is a mass of metal. But I guess it can be a mass of glass also. A double ingot is the glass for two marbles melded into one marble. If you have a weird seam which can't be explained as a cold roll, it might be where two marbles fused together.
  12. cool I haven't seen many live performances. Saw the Monkees several times in the 90's. But that was my husband's trip. I was along for the ride.
  13. Steph


    #2 looks like a Vitro Opal .... pretty #3 ... best guess I can make for that structure is Peltier #4 ??? Now ... #1 ... I'm wondering if this is a double ingot. Maybe a dug Akro?
  14. I've been trying to sing this for the past hour so I finally looked it up to get more of the words right.
  15. Steph


    That's interesting. I had some of those when I first started and they felt special to me in that newbie way but I assumed they were "just Asian".
  16. Neato. I'm guessing opaque. And Type 4 Tiger Eyes. And the 1960's.
  17. Steph


    The crazing could be fire damage.
  18. Steph


    Don't count your Vacors before they're hatched?!
  19. Steph


    #1 Peltier Rainbo. #2 Alley or CAC. #3 ? Is the surface normal? At first I thought I was seeing some crazing. Tricks of light?
  20. I can fix that. I think! Got it!
  21. Steph


    Don't release the Kraken!
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