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Everything posted by Steph

  1. This is one I think of from time to time, especially when peewees are mentioned. "No larger than a good-sized marrowfat pea." 1883 Marbles, and Where They Come From, by A. W. Roberts https://books.google.com/books?id=9Fg_AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA379 If you haven't seen that one yet, do check it out. It's informative and charming. And illustrated.
  2. Ha! Someone besides me bumped this. I can't tell you how happy that makes me! I haven't learned anything recently.
  3. I dug and dug and didn't find them. Did find something round ... but it turned out to be some kind of little cap, like for the end of a chair leg. I'll dig some more tomorrow.
  4. This is tan in the middle .... but that's not lavender, is it ... no matter how much I want it to be. More a hot pink. Well, it's lavender now. Let's make the next one easy --- any kind of metallic.
  5. This is the year I plan to start a marble run. Maybe June. I don't care if it's nailing a hose to the wall and sending a marble through it, I will do something just to feel I'm moving forward.
  6. Steph

    Mods or vin

    Interesting to see different makers with the same color. I agree Vacor, Marble King, Akro. Modern, modern, vintage.
  7. Steph

    Group id

    My votes: 1. Master 2. Could be Peltier. But the way the ribbons angle in, it looks like a "Figure 8" which is a vintage marble but from outside the U.S. Not sure from where. 3. Peltier Rainbo 4. More views might help, but for now I'm leaning Alley.
  8. Steph


    Alley sounds good.
  9. Steph


    Hmmmm ... I wonder if this could be a Christensen.
  10. Steph

    Humor Ar Ar

    A sheep dog tells the shepherd, "You have 500 sheep." "Really? This morning I only had 489. "Well, I rounded them up." hehe
  11. Thank you. I like them all. That wood grain one stands out.
  12. I'm not sure if it's one we have a name for. That late 40's and early 50's period doesn't seem to have been one for catchy names on the Vitro packaging.
  13. Peltalicious. Sunset sounds good.
  14. Gotta be Vitro. But I'm having trouble thinking of which decade or style name it would be. At first I thought later -- like 70's. Then you turn it around and show me the insides on that purple end, and that makes it seem older. Somewhere between Conqueror and Tiger Eye time? 40's or 50's?
  15. Steph

    I'd please

    I'm a pretty firm Akro vote here. Akro Tri-Color Agate
  16. Steph

    5/8 mib

    Oooops. I said Rainbo when I should have said Rainbow. Please don't take my mibologist card away from me.
  17. Steph

    5/8 mib

    Modern Marble King Rainbo. The 1960's "patch and ribbon" version with those colors would be called a Watermelon.
  18. Steph

    Please id

    My only guess is Vacor Butterfly. Not seeing a perfect match, but the colors look Vacor to me. https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=79
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