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Everything posted by Steph

  1. That's yours? Wish I knew! And just an hour left.
  2. Steph


    How are the ribbons arranged? Could we have a pic in different light, maybe with flash? What I'm curious about: Are the colors all mixed in together or are the green ribbons distinct from the yellow ... and if they are distinct, do they do the pelt flipflop?
  3. Jabo New Decade on left, Akro Silver placeholder on right.
  4. What a nice thread this has been to wake up to in the mornings.
  5. Steph


    Not sure I'm quite seeing the ribbons properly in the light. Ribbons green and gold?
  6. I need to do this someday. I had a box of special runs from 2008 and 2009, labelled groups side by side, with tiny dividers between them. And then I tripped.
  7. I'm bored ... googled for animated marbles pictures ... you have any fun ones?
  8. That's what I was wondering! But I only dared to whisper it.
  9. The top pix are pretty clear. Maybe it just doesn't like the close-up? I'll go with WV swirl on the one. But I don't recognize Vitro on the other, Scott, not with that seedy base. i'm intrigued by it, Sara.
  10. With no seams, I'd also guess swirl (not Pelt) at 9 o'clock. So the question might be if it's a modern swirl or a vintage swirl. If vintage, then it goes to the WV swirl box. Another view might be nice on that one. I'd also like to see more of 7 o'clock.
  11. *flying tackle hug* .... and nice orbs!
  12. Are you sure about the aventurine? I think you're right about Jabo. The classics, from 1991 through 2007, weren't very busy ... at least not the smaller swirls. The boulders could get pretty wild. But I'm not familiar with aventurine from that period. Does the pink happen to glow under a blacklight?
  13. Modern marble kings. 9/16". Opalescent. Next .... polka dot!
  14. Want! Owls were my first love. I have a special cabinet for them now. Just one cabinet though ... the marbles get a whole room.
  15. I don't like much classical music .... this makes the cut.
  16. Let's see what it was which could tempt you again!
  17. so sorry to hear you aren't well
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