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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Are these wedding cakes ... or somewhere in the vicinity of that family?
  2. Ah, good choice. See, that's what happens ... whenever I start my list, someone comes along and reminds me of a great group I left out.
  3. Oh, they're gonna like those. Pretty marbles.
  4. This one is handmade. In Asia. Yes, I'd call it a pontil. Yes, contemporary. I don't think we've ever put a company name on these.
  5. I gave away too many big ones. I'm gonna start saving some when I come across them again.
  6. 2 inches?! Coool. Seeing both of the marbles now, I'm leaning strongly toward Vacor de Mexico. That would be modern.
  7. Hmmm ... the texture of the glass if making me think of Vacor. I'm not sure about the pattern though.
  8. lol @ Jurassic Park movie comment Even cooler that you have kids involved!
  9. Talking with someone about the marbles she played with as a child. She's practically exactly my age ... we played with marbles in the early 70's. She basically only remembers cat's eyes. I remember cat's eyes, bumblebees and all reds. And clearies. What marbles do you remember from when you were young?
  10. I toy with a top 5 list from time to time. Bumblebees are definitely in there. Simple classic. And then I always think "Akro Superman" ... but then I think "Akro Lifesaver" ... and if I have two Akros in my top 5, that's one less spot for another maker. But I still have wiggle room since I haven't thought of #4 or #5 yet. What would be your top 5 ... or 10 ... or whatever number you want ....
  11. Maybe they look greener in the picture than in hand. The room was a little dark. Might have affected it.
  12. Turn the basic freezer section burrito into something fancy.
  13. Went to Shanty Days festivities in Algoma, Wisconsin, and here's some of my loot. In the parade in addition to the candy, they also tossed out string cheese and ice cream sundae cups. That's Wisconsin for ya! Got the bumblebees at an antique store. Was like a sip at an oasis in the middle of a desert.
  14. Steph

    Humor Ar Ar

    We need a new joke to lighten the mood since I stepped on Hoody's joke so badly. But I don't have a sense of humor! So someone else needs to help out.
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