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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Can't see the picture. What I am imagining is you standing in a big field beside your riding mower, looking out at a couple of acres of new-mown land. Am I close?
  2. How exciting. I'm so glad you were able to do that! Go to a show, and meet a friend.
  3. I'd love to contribute. I have to get back to work unpacking. I brought my marbles over first, put them in their place of honor, and then promptly buried them in other boxes.
  4. I was so happy when I finally got my corals after years of longing. I like thinking of them as Alley.
  5. I found a caterpillar on my kohlrabi ! I even touched it ! And beetles on my marigolds. And we have squirrels and gophers and rabbits and several kinds of birds ... and a skunk! Yes, I'll have to learn to share.
  6. Steph

    Humor Ar Ar

    I don't get it.
  7. Yes. Family sometimes had gardens that I helped out in a little -- but that was 40 years ago.
  8. oooh ... three little squashes this morning!
  9. oh my ... yes ... as I was dreaming about being able to photoshop together pieces of six different marbles, I was remembering that some people are actually out there creating more and more amazing designs Some ingenius stuff happening in the glass world.
  10. I have tomatoes! Okay, so they're green and marble-sized. But I have tomatoes! And radishes and lettuce and cilantro and basil and strawberries ... so far. Other things have flowered but no fruit yet.
  11. Oh good! Because I like the right one! One for you and one more me.
  12. hehe @ "for this week" How unusual. ... and attractive.
  13. I thought I had a pistachio boulder. Now I don't know ....
  14. Almost two hundred apiece. Hard to imagine someone who knows so little about marbles being willing to pay so much for a single one. But there you go.
  15. Hot. OMG ... I just looked up the temp and it says it's only in the 70's. What am I going to do in a month when it hits the 90's.
  16. Steph

    Post Your Peewees

    That's an eyeful.
  17. Worth clicking through to the full-size version.
  18. What a pretty bump. My jaw dropped at the first one.
  19. Steph


    I trust you're okay?
  20. Steph


    Oh my! I haven't had news on. I didn't hear about it. Never heard of a Montana earthquake but now I see they're not so rare. What causes them there? I've never lived in an earthquake area. Oklahoma started having earthquakes _after_ I moved away from there.
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