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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'm gonna call that one at 3 o'clock green, yellow and blue. hot pink
  2. I think I misunderstood the question. You're talking about the location of the surface colors, not the colored guts, aren't you. I didn't read the question well. I trust my source did, since I linked him to it so he could read for himself.
  3. I sent out an SOS to my main source of Vitro knowledge. That's one of the questions he hasn't tried to figure out. He puts them in with the clear base and moves on to the fancier conquerors. So, no helpful input from me. But I can bump the thread.
  4. Well, even alternating small and large is cool.
  5. Hi Bluza. Welcome. I'm going to move your thread down to the Marble Run forum for purposes of discussion. I'm curious about the math involved. Do you have formulas which give the marbles an element of chance about what they'll bounce off of and how long it will take them to make it around obstacles?
  6. Now it has the makings of a tradition. It's neat that you changed the marble size up. Keep things interesting.
  7. Noooo ... I can't remember where I stashed it! I'm gonna cheat. Here's SirCray's version of the marble I was looking for. Next: 7 colors or more in one marble -- any colors
  8. I am sure I have the marble. .... I'll go try to dig it out now!
  9. *googles "chartreuse" to make sure I know what it is* *yes, that's a pretty shade*
  10. I like how one layer of color seems to float on the surface ... over the deeper channel of similar but not identical color .. if that's the kind I'm thinking of.
  11. Feels like a party. Don't doubt Master.
  12. mmmmmmmmmmmm ... nice Saturday viewing ....... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  13. awwwwwww .... top contender for cutest thing ever
  14. I'd like bigger pix and, say, 40 more angles. That's a weird one. What's happening with the red in the top right pic?
  15. Thanks for posting that, Royal. I had started a thread but hadn't yet moved it to the Memorial forum. I'll merge the topics.
  16. I can make it more marble-related. Someone on facebook posted a red and white Marble King Rainbow and called it the Where's Waldo. (Making fun of marble names, but it was perfect.)
  17. I don't have one. Not even a plain spotted dick. On the wish list.
  18. What he said. What a great story. (Sorry about your galaxy, but I bet you were happy that day.) I would NOT have had the self-control.
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