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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Now we're seeing why it's best to just do a few marbles per thread. Some are definitely gonna get lost in the shuffle, but I'll do my best!
  2. Top right is a Vitro helmet. Top left is a Peltier Rainbo. Near the bottom, just to the lower right of the Moss Agate. .... that could be an interesting Vitro down there ... tan, green, red ....
  3. I'll leave this for the swirl guys. With those flames I might guess Alley.
  4. I'll stick with Akro here. Moss Agate.
  5. I'm getting a Vitro feel from this one. Might help to see the other end.
  6. For this one, we see Akro Corkscrew without needing to think about size. Sometimes a little smaller size might be a clue with a WV Swirl. And if something is larger than 3/4" then that seriously limits who we might think of having made it. If a WV swirl is coming in near one inch, you can be pretty sure it's Alley. But Akro corks can also be one inch. As were a few other makers over the years. Vacor is well-known for making large swirls in the modern day.
  7. That is a "lined crockery". Also known as a "jasper". Popular marble. Not that easy to find. I'm sure I have one with blue. Not sure if I have one with both green and blue. Used to have one with blue as the base and white lines, but sold it. Won't sell the next one I find.
  8. Steph

    3 to ID

    I'll go WV swirl on #1 ... and maybe someone else will recognize that brown stripe and come up with a company name.
  9. Steph

    3 to ID

    2. Peltier Rainbo. Not Honey Onyx. My general impression of a Honey Onyx is that it has more of a patch pattern.
  10. very serpentine also like a creature swimming up from the depth
  11. Just learned today that a French word for marble is "calot". Plural "calots".
  12. Do you have an anti-venom kit?
  13. Steph


    My vote is a resounding yes.
  14. What kind do you want? Does this link work for you? https://www.google.com/search?q=marble+track&rlz=1C1VFKB_enUS722US722&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjy_by9ppTWAhWUw4MKHVysBA0Q_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=694
  15. I'm guessing they at least were conscious enough of it that they would have decided that a busy swirl would be more interesting to the kids than a single little loop.
  16. Definitely looks like there's a message hidden in that second view. I can almost read it.
  17. At least one MK stuck up there. But yup .... Vitros weathered the Japanese Cat's Eye invasion of the 50's and held their own in the market. Yay for Vitros.
  18. Prayers for Leroy and his family and his doctors
  19. Gotta be a fluke. Or maybe they're planning a special edition?
  20. Steph


    yes, both Akros. It's rare to have black which doesn't seem to have some other tint on closer inspection. What I'm curious about is if the black might have a layer of oxblood on top of part of it, but I don't know how to have you check for it.
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