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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Ah, I thought all three were in the same post last time. This is also a Vitro Tiger Eye.
  2. Google definitely wants us to go over there to see the photo. Don't see a way to make it show here. It's worth the click. Straight seams, huh? Maybe not a slam dunk Master but still my best guess with that glass consistency and no glow. Master Cloudys are like Easter Eggs. Hidden away among the solid colored marbles which don't have a glow. Anyway ... I think there's something special about your two, especially since they were found in that group.
  3. What a nice little haul. Slaggalicious. What are the translucent white ones in the back right? (Wondering if they could be Master Cloudys, (edit: if they're machine-made))
  4. With the vanes being smoothly rounded, that makes me think American in spite of the tint of the base glass. But I could be wrong. My marbles are still packed away so I'm not able to pull out my Master or Cairo or Bogard cats to check their base glass.
  5. Well, these are pretty much only worth the quarter I paid for 'em, but hey, marbles! From a yard sale! ... still all I've found and I have spent all my yard sale money for awhile.
  6. Yes, I think Peltier would have sold that in a Bloodies box.
  7. Is that two different black cat's eyes? Both could be Masters.
  8. Congratulations to Sierra Ricci and Eli Murphy, both of Allegheny Co, PA. (Photo from Debra Stanley-Lapic)
  9. I don't know if we could tell if the blue is Ravenswood. I think there are many WV companies who might have made similar.
  10. The Akro Popeyes would be good for your child's collection. They do have some value, but probably not so much that you would feel compelled to sell them. E.g., Picture 4, Row 8, Marble #4. And possibly Marble #5 in the same row. And Picture 5, Row 8, Marble #5.
  11. The last pic, Row 6 #4 ... need more pix of that. That _might_ be something rare,
  12. You might be onto something there. Serine, if that's a Rebel, that's a good one.
  13. Could be Master in the black cat eye. Top two Vitros are Conquerors. I was going to say Tiger Eye on the Vitro with lavender, but maybe it's an "Easter Egg". The group of Vitros is All Reds.
  14. The green ones and blue one in the pictures which you added while I was typing my other answer ... I'd just call them "transparent swirls" and probably not try to get much deeper on them. However, since one is a peewee, I think Alley becomes a strong possibility.
  15. I think your camera is focused more on the detail in the cloth under the marbles. If you use a plainer background, it could help the focus on the marble. I'm not recognizing the first marble. Is that yellow and white together in an amber base? Or is part of the amber looking yellow when we see the white behind it? I think Master on the green one. And I'm not getting a good feel for the last one either. My first thought is slag. But I don't know.
  16. Thanks for the update, Brian.
  17. That green one that you like in the 2nd image might be an Alley Agate.
  18. That's a lot of marbles for one thread. I split this off into its own thread because that's the first step -- a new thread for each new group to ID. We'll see if anyone feels like jumping in and ID-ing a few. One kind of marble you might be able to quickly learn to ID is the Akro Corkscrew. If you can master that one, you'll have a nice chunk of yours ID-ed. Picture 1, Row 1, #7 might be a corkscrew. And Picture 1, Row 2, #4. And Row 3, #1 And Row 4, #4 and #5 And some others. The last row in Picture 1 -- #8 (2nd from right) might be one. That's interesting. I'll stop there for now. Two reasons that we need only a few marbles per thread: 1) It's a daunting task to see so many at once and try to ID. 2) Often we need more than one view of a marble to be able to ID it, so when we start asking for extra views in a thread which has a lot of marbles, that gets very complicated. That said -- I would like to see more views of that blue and yellow one on the bottom row in Picture 1.
  19. Wild story ... sneaky "grandfather". I like your attitude. Glad you got your agate back.
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