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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Just patching words together here, but maybe "burnt spiderman"?
  2. top o' the mornin' to ye!
  3. This one with the sorta aqua-blue and red could be a Peltier Spiderman. Or maybe a different kind of Peltier. The orange one to the lower left might turn out to be an Akro Flintie. If you could put them in small groups where it's easy for us to say something like "first marble in the second row is such-and-so", we could ID a lot of these. (And a new thread for each small group also helps get more ID's. )
  4. Hi, Serine. You have a nice vintage mix there. I'm seeing marbles from the 1930's to 1960's. I see at least two Akro Agate Popeyes. Those are popular and while not rare, they're not common. Here's a photo from a box of Popeyes so you can maybe pick yours out. They're a type of "corkscrew". (You also have some other corkscrews which are a little plainer but still desirable.) (And there are some other interesting marbles in there. This popeye pic is just for starters.)
  5. That confuses me a wee bit. Are those Pelts? (Coz last I checked, Pelt started making marbles in 1927.) Was that onyx and cerise from a different maker? Or anticipation of what Peltier would offer? Or did Peltier start sooner than I realized. I suppose this may be in the Pelt book. I better shut up until I can go find my book and see what's there. One of the ads I was trying to find when I started this thread ... but no hurry ... was a short one like those but it mentioned at least the Acme Realers and maybe the glassonix, and I can't remember what else.
  6. That goes all the way back to the beginning.
  7. Can't say they're not Master. However, they're not what Master originally billed as Cloudys. They could be Meteors. To the best of my understanding, this box has Cloudys on the left and Meteors on the right. Cloudys are "solid colors", which I think we can safely say means "single color". I could see all of your group fitting into a box of Meteors.
  8. Our long Realers thread with the Glassonix discussion disappeared ... and I need a place I can find easily where I can replace some of the pictures which were there. Here's one of the pictures I was looking for. (From 1930.) Another was a small ad maybe from Playthings Magazine. But I don't have my extensive archive uploaded to this computer yet so it might be awhile before I can restore that one. Any help or any new pix are welcome.
  9. I know what they were labeled when someone first posted 'em, but I can't remember who posted, and I remember the name being disputed.
  10. Steph


    yes, a nice group
  11. Steph


    The picture links didn't work for me -- tried to see if I could fix it from looking at the code, but alas I could not. I can almost see the marbles just from your description, though.
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