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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Post Your Peewees

    Peewee slags ... who all made 'em?
  2. As always, you have a way of making even the common ones look lovely. That's interesting to hear about them being called two-vane. Never heard that perspective. Did 'Nishiki' mean two-vane? Or are they called both 'Nishiki' and two-vane as two separate descriptors.
  3. We had an active bead collector. Danny Lopacki. Haven't seen him in awhile, but I sent an SOS out to him.
  4. Pet Bearnie for me. (Feel the Bearnie?)
  5. It's better with a story to go with!
  6. Bumblebee, the thread link isn't working ... isn't showing up at all for me. Just a spinning circle. Edit: This one? http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21460-what-causes-orange-peel/
  7. Wow!!!!!!! Is this Chris? Here are the pix you sent. Not sure why they wouldn't post. They're a good size. Anyway, that is most awesome. Thank you so much for sharing. Send our regards to Lloyd.
  8. That last one with vivid green is playing with the head.
  9. Ed, do you subscribe to the name "Burnt Sunset" for that bad *** cousin?
  10. Sorry. I got turned around. And cool. Then I feel better about Alley.
  11. Congratulations on the wild find! Those are two marbles? I was picturing it as three. Two in the top group, and the the green and white one. So the top is red, blue, yellow and of course white? I'm wavering between Akro and Vitro on that one. The neatness of the blue and red on the equator make me wonder if I should be thinking harder about Vitro, but right now I'm leaning Akro. Tri-Color Agate. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21619-akro-tri-color-agates/ I'll guess Alley on the green and white, but I would feel better about that if it were an inch instead of 3/4 of an inch.
  12. Heaton or Bogard ... I can never remember which anymore ... I have it in the Bogard folder at Photobucket, so let's call it that ... Four vanes. Transparent/translucent. At least three different shades. Plenty o' bubbles. Medium-surface area on the vanes.
  13. P.s., nifty souvenir from Uncle Phil ... I still am unable to comment on gallery pix for some reason.
  14. I'll vote Akro Onyx corkscrew
  15. LOL ... I hadn't actually watched the videos before I made the post above. Now that I have, I have a big smile. The Dinosaur is great and the music on the second video woke me up. What fun you and Oliver must be having.
  16. Hello Robert. Well, that's interesting. I didn't know that Hubelino existed until you just gave me cause for googling it. I _had_ heard of Duplo, but the marble run part of the building blocks was missing from my experience.
  17. Ric stopped by briefly ... maybe he'll step in again ... He would be a big help in the ID and explanations.
  18. The glass for the early Pelts was made from scratch. Akro glass was also made from scratch. The later Pelts were made with recycled glass. Don't know if the switch to recycled glass ever occurred with Akro, but their later Tri-Color Agates do have a different look from their early ones.
  19. If I had enough money, I would follow the snow. Change hemispheres with the seasons to always have fireplace weather.. At least I think I would. Maybe I would change my mind after a few years of all snow all the time.
  20. Oh man ... time to build a snowman!
  21. That's what I was thinking -- Vitro. Except the colors are coming across so thick that I wonder about Japanese. The long straight seems are more of a Vitro property though. So that's how I will vote.
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