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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Okay, what is the silvery? ... I thought it was mica ... but when I compare it to Jeff's it doesn't look similar. I guess I could ask Scott.
  2. I'm pretty sure I got one of those -- or half of one -- when I was 12. In our Christmas stockings in 1976 my brother and I got a bunch of clearies of different sizes. I like to think it came from a Bicentennial bag. That's when my love of clearies was born.
  3. Odd ... I thought "liger" would be recognized by Scrabble, but no.
  4. on the bag Not sure about the Camel boxes ... trying to remember if I've ever seen them say anything other than Japan. Some distributors changed their source countries over the years.
  5. Well done. Very difficult marble to photograph. Can usually only hope for a hint of the fire to come through. We have to remember that the ad writers of the time weren't always or maybe even usually the marble makers. So I don't hold them to "narrow, distinct strip". I think what people called Ringers could sometimes come from true Aces. Or could be Moss Agates. Some of the corky mosses have a lot of clear in addition to a ribbon of white. So probably some things from both styles have been called Ringers. My continuing working hypothesis is that quality control was tough with Aces and they probably didn't catch on well enough to justify continuing to make the effort over a long period.
  6. The shape on the blue looks like a Peltier patch. I don't know about the gray though. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21372-pelt-patches/ I'm still leaning patch rather than swirl on the brown. But not having good luck thinking who would have a single side patch like that one is coming across to me as when you show the ribbon ends. Maybe Akro? Maybe it's trying to be a cork?
  7. That's one of those high desert plateaus. LOL ... it still works!
  8. Corks really were brilliant weren't they. Whoever dreamed those up, thank that guy again.
  9. The spots from your lights actually work with the photo ... makes it look like setting suns .... so clearly the marble is from a planet with two suns.
  10. Aesthetically I love the dark transparent orange and the deep green.
  11. Steph

    Vintage TV

    Thanks for the leads.
  12. animal hybrid names today's discovery: coydog
  13. Yes, I'm sure that's what I'd be calling the seam. Was wondering if the Heatons were formed as swirls or if they had seams. But I wouldn't have tried to guess between Vitro and Marble King.
  14. Neat to have those two different ones. One fancy. The transparent/translucent vanes are ones I think of as non-Marble-King ... or at least not vintage Marble King.
  15. Steph

    Vintage TV

    The British shows I watch are Dr. Who and Red Dwarf. Trying to remember if there are any others. Well, I KNOW there are others, but having trouble remembering. Maybe not anything I watched on a regular basis.
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