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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    ID 1

    Could be Akro on top. I'm not feeling distinctly pelty feathering there. My first thought was something non-USA or pre-MFC on the bottom. But I don't feel strongly about that.
  2. Bottom one is handgathered, but something about how the tail ends makes me think a closer look might be in order.
  3. The gap at the seam suggests possibly European. I don't know much about their color ranges though. Christensen Agate would be the second choice. First thought is Akro for the bottom. Would feel better seeing the seams.
  4. If that's white on top of green, then maybe Japanese? But if it's green ribbons which just cut deep, then maybe Peltier? Do you see a cutline or a tail on the slag? If not, then for now I'd just have it in with generic slags.
  5. Sounds like some good fun for 25 bucks.
  6. Wildwood National Marbles Tournament begins Started yesterday. Finals are tomorrow, I gather. Good luck, kids! The history in the article isn't 100% right, but I'm okay with it. I like to see marbles in the news.
  7. It's sooooo hard. They're spread out. What little effort I've put into their arrangement before has been dedicated to boxes where they were easily visible. But these aren't boxes which fit conveniently into moving boxes or which will protect the marbles well. Ugh. Gotta bite the bullet and pour 'em into their moving containers without all that much padding. And trust whoever is moving 'em not to drop 'em. I could say that only I should move 'em ... to save 'em from dropping ... but I'm a klutz.
  8. I'm finding so many wonderful things as I dig through my backroom! LOL Lots of marbles too.
  9. "Tri-color" was being used confusingly when I started collecting. Mostly I hear "multicolor" now, and mostly multicolor needs three colors of ribbons. Will usually have six ribbons. Well, there may be exceptions for marbles with the six-ribbon structure of the multicolors but with only two colors among the six ribbons. Agree, "Rainbos" on Shell's.
  10. Also ... on the middle one ... is the blue/black the ribbon on a yellow base? ... or is the yellow the additional color on top of a blue base?
  11. I often feel okay about saying "Cairo or Heaton" without feeling like a can go further.
  12. Woot woot! Found my copy of Carskadden and Gartley's Chinas: Hand-Painted Marbles of the Late 19th Century. Been missing for years. I put it aside without reading it and immediately lost it. I will appreciate it much more now for having had to wait so long.
  13. Interesting. The first view on the white looks very festive -- like wedding streamers. And the second view is like "where did they go?!"
  14. Agree Pelt. I'm getting an ambivalent feeling about the age. It's lovely.
  15. Yeah, that is pretty darn cool. That one looks like it had a major hang-up on the machinery.
  16. Yes, modern. The base marble is (or is like) a Vacor Michelangelo. But the frosting is puzzling me. Did Vacor make a style like that which was intentionally frosted? Or did that happen after production?
  17. Uh oh ... if they came with the ones I'm about to comment on in the other thread, they could actually be modern Vacors. But let's still keep Alley as a strong choice. Edit: Naw, GOTTA be Alley.
  18. *contemplating what would be a good marble bug emoticon* I feel really good about these being 1940's Alleys.
  19. Steph

    Vintage TV

    Had never heard of it.
  20. hmmm ... the green dot one? what is happening there?
  21. Yes, you're right. I heard back from Scott. Large flakes. They looked so silvery in my picture I got confused.
  22. Doesn't need to be. Thank you, Chuck.
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