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Everything posted by Steph

  1. So do we think those bottles are a little irregular at the top? Or are they somehow remolded for uniformity after the marble is slipped in?
  2. Sounds good to me. Long seams there so my second choice wouldn't even be Master. If I had to have a second pick, I think I'd swing all the way over to Pelt.
  3. Oh my goodness. How did I miss this post? Thanks, Duffy, for answering it. Welcome, Chad. Do you know Edna Eaton?
  4. The OP was not crap. Please don't talk that way. It was a good post about an interesting marble. There was no assumption of the auction still running. Don't attack members like that. Please. Thank you. If you have problems with this, please PM me. Don't derail this thread. If the thread looks like it's being derailed, this discussion will be broken off into another thread or unapproved.
  5. Nice bump. So simple yet so sweet. Those are some lovely shades.
  6. Thank you for sharing, Al. Condolences to Stan's family.
  7. Good answer. It can be hard to wait, and some times there are pressing questions from someone who is interested in bidding on an auction and needs to learn fast before the auction is over. But as you suggest, the majority preference seems to avoid posting active auctions if possible, except when a seller is announcing their own auctions of course!
  8. Of course I don't know. It's making me feel I need to start paying more attention to the base glass of handmades though.
  9. Without being able to articulate it, that's the impression I got. I could see the cobra cowl in there and the whipping snaky tail, in a way I don't usually see.
  10. Sounds good to me. *She says while waiting for some who actually knows*
  11. Steph


    Very handsome fella.
  12. Ha! If you were with us, we could get you hooked!
  13. Well, at least he got the Vitro part right. Gotta give him that. He'll figure it out when people don't buy.
  14. With that clear base, that's a special one. Looks a little Vitro Tri-Lite-y. Except not with those dark patches. At least not that I recognize.
  15. Awwwwwww .... http://theawesomedaily.com/harlow-and-indiana/
  16. I don't recognize it at all. If it were in America, I might have suggested a very strange marble King. But that would have been a wild guess based on the brown patches. But it's not in America so I don't have to make that wild guess.
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