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Everything posted by Steph

  1. LOL ... saw this question on facebook ... how did they get the marbles in Codd bottles?!
  2. Fun box! Simple marbles but how would you like to find this in the wild. http://www.ebay.com/itm/29166594964 (seller: dori-payto)
  3. I used to spend a lot of time on ebay looking for pix of high end stuff. Got out of that habit. But here's a recent one: seller: mchuber
  4. Neato. Straight up green is nice. Sometimes less is more, eh?
  5. Oooooooooh! That's GORGEOUS! You're so lucky, Bumblebee! Did you find it in the wild?
  6. Challenge! What marble do you have which would come closest to "Vitro Sparkler Brushed Oxblood Popeye"?
  7. I wonder if those were ones I was thinking of. Could be. Sparkler-esque sounds right.
  8. Not ringing any bells? Gonna have to track down those wild ones I saw on facebook .....
  9. LOL ... this one always gets a vocal heehee from me.
  10. Jenny Piccalo on Happy Days was played by Phil Silvers' daughter.
  11. This is fun. http://theappendix.net/blog/2014/2/darwins-children-drew-vegetable-battles-on-the-origin-of-species http://kinja.amnh.org/darwins-kids-doodled-all-over-his-origin-of-species-m-1685423397
  12. applesauce First time in a long time. Unsweetened version.
  13. Doesn't mean much but I don't remember seeing that color combo before either.
  14. Navarre is the name which comes to mind.
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