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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Ooooooohhhh ..... lol ........ I guess not .......
  2. Yes, that drizzle is kinda nice. I agree with Ann about it looking like a slag.
  3. Yup ... fun. Back when I had a computer with photoshop, I got quite good at taking dramatic blacklight photos. Dark room. Black background. My no-frills camera would turn the black background purple but then I'd go into photoshop and play with color levels until I subdued the purple and then the glow would jump out. I was really really REALLY into blacklight marbles!
  4. Oh, that's a good one. Why the companies used uranium in opaque white glass, I do not know. But it makes it fun for us.
  5. I don't know what it is. Since it's handmade I just wanted it to be in the main forum instead of the ID forum because I figured you had a better chance of getting a name in the main forum.
  6. Ha! I knew I had started this thread before. I need it again today. I'm sitting here looking at my backgammon briefcase full of monopoly money from at least two monopoly games. So I messed up at least three games to fill that briefcase! But just as I was about to get rid of it about a month ago, I asked my husband if he wanted it and he does. So there's that.
  7. whid: verb (used without object), whidded, whidding. 1. to move quickly and quietly. noun 2. a quick, noiseless movement. Rabbits whid.
  8. Short videos might generate more hits than long ones do. That goes with the idea of stunts. Something to get people into the action quickly, and then be rewarded with an impressive feat.
  9. Welcome back. My votes: #3 Marble King The rest: West Virginia Swirls The first two could be Alley. Not sure at all about the last two other than being WV Swirls.
  10. Scratch: Curious Chemicals
  11. What chemicals are associated with what glow? Uranium we know fairly well, but there are still some terms which are sort of fuzzy. Uranium gives the glow of both Akros Lemonades and Limeades, right? But are both called Vaseline glass? For that matter, is either called Vaseline glass? Is it safest to just say uranium glass. ^^ that's an example of what I'm a little fuzzy on. There are some modern Marble Kings cat's eyes with a pretty blue glow. And I once had a jar with an even brighter blue glow. I seem to recall that is from calcium. Manganese and selenium both also come up as words associated with red glow. Sooooo ... time to collect the tidbits ... or find some good links. Oh and hopefully some pix.
  12. I mentioned manganese before. Selenium is a color associated with red glass which also causes a red glow -- if I understand correctly. We need to find somebody who has all the different colors of glow explained in one place. Not having much luck googling now, but won't give up. If it doesn't exist, we can make it ... with some more research. Clearies are hard to ID by maker but sometimes the blacklight gives you clues. Like if they have long seams, or V-shaped seams, or are swirly.
  13. I guess I'll have to watch it again. I saw the ending the other day. Saw it all through way back when.
  14. Once upon a time, I took all my marbles into a closet, and I started pulling them out according to how much they glowed under the blacklight. I'd take out all the brightest ones and put them in one box. Then after my eyes had a chance to adjust and those other bright ones were gone, some of the remaining ones started to look bright. So I would pull those out. And then repeat the process. When I got down to about level 4, I started seeing some really neat colors in the glow. Like up to four different colors in one marble. Blue glow can come from calcium. I ended up with a tan on my wrist from how much I used the blacklight. Don't use it as much as I did! hehe
  15. One thing about Masters versus Akros is that Masters are more likely to have U-shaped or V-shaped cutlines and Akros are more likely to have longer, straighter cutlines. Some of these cutlines at first seemed sort of in the middle -- medium length and only somewhat rounded -- not sharp enough to make it easy. But now I'm getting more and more of a Master feel from them. So that's where I'll plant my flag.
  16. Yeah, I'm starting to lean more and more toward Master.
  17. Isn't the glow of those on the right fantastic? Right this minute, I don't know if we're looking at swirls or slags there.
  18. Now I see your blacklight pictures -- I don't know what would give one a dull pink glow. Not uranium though and I wouldn't call 'em Burmese.
  19. I think the pink of the Burmese glass refers to the original color of the glass -- in daylight -- not the glow under blacklight. Pink or orange glow would come from another element other than uranium. Manganese would be one possibility there.
  20. Some more Masters Comets while I'm in the neighborhood (just posted 'em in another thread).
  21. Here are some Master Comets box pix I found:
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