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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Cave. With internet. That's for me.
  2. When I look up Peltier Smilies I see something which was said to be a fantasy box from around the time of the Novas ... maybe? http://marbleconnection.com/topic/16969-peltier-smilies/
  3. I thought the blue spotted handmade something was pretty cool ... and then I saw the euroswirl. OMG!
  4. Jiminy Christmas. Where were you watching from? A lunar orbiter?
  5. Got to see it. Without leaving home. That was very cool.
  6. From George's collection Marbles from Phil Cook, The Quaker Man
  7. Here's the one I took a decent photo of and shared earlier. Rosenthal:
  8. I've been wanting to start a thread with George's posters but have been putting it off because, well, you know me and picture taking. But here's one I had in digital form. So I'll use it to launch the thread and hopefully will be able to take okay photos of his other posters later. Peltier Comic Marbles:
  9. Posted in another thread so adding here while I'm thinking of it
  10. I follow! Some of those do have an American look though. I wouldn't doubt Akro or Vitro or Master on some if they were found here. Such as the one on the lower left corner. keeperthread
  11. Hi Dusty, Welcome. You could post an overview of your collection and we might be able to give you a general feel for what you have. First thing to mention though is that when you're pulling the collection out take care not to bump the marbles around too much. Condition is paramount. One ding could reduce the value of a marble by more than half over its mint value.
  12. Steph

    Great Lines!

    "What does God need with a starship?"
  13. Steph

    Great Lines!

    "C'mon, nose spider!" Source spoiler: Leonard Hofstadter on Big Bang
  14. Steph

    More Fnpr

    Yes, a cool picture. What a life!
  15. Try to imagine being a biologist before microscopes and trying to explain how things tick. ... this thought is a response to the Greeks trying to figure out what caused plants to track the sun ....
  16. Steph

    This One

    Well, I'll go ahead and make a guess while we wait for others. I think WV swirl, with Alley a possibility.
  17. You could keep holding out and looking for someone in your area who collects marbles who could help you sort them. It's a whole lot easier to sort in person than over the internet. Obviously.
  18. Well, the Akros which have already been identified ... sell them separately from the rest. I'd like to see more pics of the red/blue/yellow one on top here. There's a modern one which looks like this but also a nice old one and if this turns out to be old it should be sold separately. You could go with small bunches on ebay and you get start them sort of low and let viewers set the market. If you sell a number of lots in the same week (ending at staggered times) you can get a lot of eyes and possibly a lot of competition. Since you aren't sure what all you have, you can put your best guesses as search terms. Give decent photos so people can judge condition for themselves.
  19. Steph

    This One

    Just under 5/8"? I wouldn't have guessed Vitro. However, I have no other guess.
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