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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I once spent some time with some little big cats. Kittens? Cubs? A cougar, and a lion or tiger. They chirp just like birds when they're itty. Who had Savannahs?
  2. These are peewees. Randy blew my little mind when he included those in a mystery package.
  3. Elbow still hurts. Hubby says I should go to a doctor, but I'm wondering what the point would be. What can a doctor do for an elbow? Is there any danger in just waiting it out? If no danger, then I'll just hope whatever got bruised/busted/chipped/whatever decides to go back to normal soon. Probably nicked it on a doorframe or something. I do that kind of thing. Don't even think about it anymore. That's probably why I don't remember what it was which brought this on.
  4. I got a lot of peewees in my stocking in 1976 .... teeny tiny clearies. (And bigger clearies.) So pretty. I so wish I still had those. But I got some replacements which remind me of them. They _were_ in a jar on top of the entertainment center. A small clear flat-ish bottle for vanilla which showed them off nicely. But _apparently_ I put them in some other "safe" place. Gotta figure out what I did with 'em .......
  5. Hi Mikie! I'm in Wisconsin now, but I spent much of my youth in Alabama. Nice to meet you. And yummy swirl!
  6. Ah ... I just remembered I only got halfway through that. Must watch second half now. Apparently my attention span is 6 1/2 minutes.
  7. Anyone have ideas on the purple and green? The pattern made me want to think Cairo but the colors feel more like Alley.
  8. For a second I thought you were saying that didn't look like an Opal. And I was thinking, but it looks JUST like an Opal. LOL ... thanks for posting an Opal. I love them too.
  9. That's just so nice. So simple, yet ... pure is the word which comes to mind. Pure marble.
  10. Steph


    We got most of 'em from the request list, but something weird about the old ones the site used to have. Looking into why we can't turn those on.
  11. How does a computer make an itty bitty pixel of color? This color, say.
  12. wow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wow What an explosion of color.
  13. Criminy ... before I opened the thumbnail I thought that was a close-up of a pontil.
  14. http://marbleconnection.com/forum/31-marble-runs-marble-games/
  15. Thanks! Shooter agates are the symbol of marble play 100 years ago.
  16. LOL ... thanks for the laugh. Makes me feel better. Me and my elbow which feels broken.
  17. Save the Post-It-Note. Save the world. Isn't that what Hiro Nakamura said?
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