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Everything posted by Steph

  1. It's cold! 50 degrees. Hope the heater doesn't kick on.
  2. I don't know the names. But I look forward to learning it too.
  3. Gotta try that. Baked mac and cheese is all I had growing up. But now all we have is the creamy box stuff. Gotta change that up.
  4. Here's my bizarre single-seam cat's eye:
  5. For some reason I wanna say Heaton on this one, but I can't remember why. Maybe it's Bogard instead. It has at least three shades of orange-y-ness. Four vanes. A lot of transparency/translucence.
  6. I'm sure I'll have something more to offer but for now I'll just enjoy.
  7. Thanks Ann! Here's the pride of my cat's eye collection. My hardworking St. Marys.
  8. You've shattered all my preconceptions about people who like orange. LOL ... don't ask me what that meant. Just playin!
  9. I'm wondering why it was in with the CA's. Did you have reason to be sure it belonged there? That's what I'm curious about. P.s., I agree with calling it snotty even though it's perty.
  10. Hey, guys, I'm right on this one! The Mandrake marble I posted shows a diaper fold. Here is Alan's diaperfold diagram: The seam is the top of the diaper and the little baby legs come out of the holes on the side.
  11. hehe ... no poetry That looks strange to me. I'd be tempted to think "remelt" but I wouldn't panic unless I heard that from Galen. Maybe it got hung up on the rollers? From what I understand, the term "Diaper Fold" has fallen out of vogue. I still like the term but I don't see one there. A marble would need a single fairly neat seam for me to want to call it a Diaper Fold. And a nice smooth looping action visible from the side. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . (marble photos from Manddrakes' auctions)
  12. You might think it's funny when you're out with your honey and your nose is runny but it's snot ty
  13. Yah, it was a funny picture. Firmly but carefully protecting the edges so that I didn't break the well-worn sides as I scrubbed. We need to go buy a new dehumidifier so that we can have another piece of styrofoam just that size.
  14. oh yeah! Some classics. And some unusual ones. keeperthread
  15. doh! The four-legged chair, I meant!
  16. ... you find yourself washing poopy styrofoam instead of throwing it away, because that piece of styrofoam just happens to be your sick cat's favorite resting spot. Your turn.
  17. What does it look like next to your Canadians?
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