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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I just dropped in to wish Bob a happy birthday. Not really here today. Must catch up with certain projects. Everybody play nice. No burning down the house! XXOO, Steph
  2. I'm not here. Don't tell anyone you saw me. But I couldn't miss this.
  3. Newspaperarchive.com has a lot of Canadian papers. Maybe there's a chance to find something with Dave's keywords. Didn't on my first quick search but didn't go very deep. Have a coupla things I'm supposed to be doing right now. Gotta get to them. You guys have fun while I try to buckle down here.
  4. Steph


    The Red Flash! George Sourlis sent me a link to this. Said he hadn't seen it before. Now that's saying something. If after all these years there was an Akro ad George hadn't seen, then there still may be some gems out there to be discovered.
  5. LOL. I just wanted pics of that type in this thread. I've heard the stories a lot. Seen the public stories. Heard versions which could only be told in private. I just wanted to see some pictures.
  6. Thanks. I wish I knew more about how to search anything other than the U.S. But glad to have keywords in any case. First thing for me will be to pull up an atlas. I am shamefully ignorant of geography.
  7. Godown bumped this thread, which has helpful stuff in it: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/18854-tiny-handmade-clearie-almost-smallest-least-rare-most-worthless-known-to-exist/
  8. Good question. Very strange.
  9. Very cool. Sometimes I think about doing something like this! You do it! I like.
  10. Thanks for the bump, Craig. Sometimes I need to see something more than once before I register it.
  11. Looks like their website: http://www.bolitastinka.com.ar/
  12. I think I've seen someone call it a Hercules. I didn't like it when they did. But I don't know the consensus. Moving this to main chat forum now to see if more people who know names might answer.
  13. LOL. Yup, Jimmy sometimes double-cheeses. We have much leftover mac.
  14. We say bullet-mold, and picture literal bullet molds. But do we know the actual apparatus used to make bullet mold marbles and/or beads?
  15. Could be so many people. Alley, Champion, Cairo Novelty, .... It doesn't look like it would fit in my Ravenswood box, but my Ravenswood box is small. I suppose it does look like it might fit into some of these packages: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/6857-mostly-pix-ravenswood Basic red & white was done by so many. Ooops, that just reminded me. I think I have another Ravenswood box and maybe a Ravenswood bag. I need to find those and confirm them. That would substantially increase my Ravenswood sample for comparison.
  16. Plain blue and white. So hard to say. I have a similar Champion. I suppose it could fit in my Alley box also.
  17. I'll ask Jimmy if he has it yet.
  18. Steph


    Alley is a good guess.
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