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Everything posted by Steph

  1. B&E? Is that what the yellow and white is being called? I'm not happy with that name! Like really really really not happy with it! Where's the bacon? I need more photos of it to cement my Rainbo feeling on that one. Still ... on my screen ... whether it is new or old ... that base looks quite close to white. I stayed out of that Angel thread that year because I wasn't comfortable with it. Angels, "variants", marbles not being in hand, etc. Most of the marbles in that thread did not look like Angels to me. The difference between a Rainbo and an NLR is not ribbons being on the surface or running deep. And contrary to some statements made many years ago, NLR ribbons do or can run deep. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/7211-pelt-pieces/ Right now I don't feel comfortable thinking of words to describe the difference between NLR and Rainbos. It has become a gestalt thing for me.
  2. Only the first four are mine. Hopefully someone else will add some from his other styles, or I can hunt for some more pictures.
  3. Steph

    Ppp Thread

    look at all the shading ... mmmm, pink and orange
  4. I should have thought about this on groundhog's day ... If you google for "murmel" you sometimes come up with photos of groundhogs. Murmel = marble Murmeltier = groundhog
  5. I don't know about common .... Seen it before but common? I guess not. .... Brown and red and that seam makes me think Akro. I could easily be talked into something like MK though.
  6. Could this one be a ketchup and mustard instead of an angel?
  7. If the marble in question is on the right here, it looks sort of rainbo-y to me. How many ribbons does it have? And I've been saying six ribbons on angels but now I've lost track trying to count the ribbons on the angel pics. The most often circulated pic:
  8. If it has that same custardy base and the same six ribbon distribution, I understand someone lobbying for that name. So far though, I wouldn't say it is a white angel, since I've never until now heard anyone so much as mention it. But that could change. You could make the case and the name could catch on. If everything else was a match.
  9. Sold it. Another of the awesome marbles I got early on and sold before I realized how much I'd miss it.
  10. I don't remember my red angel glowing. In fact, I'm pretty certain the base didn't. Long time ago and it's gone now but I was big into vaseline glass then and kinda remember being disappointed the base didn't glow ... and then I started realizing that it might be a special marble even though it didn't glow .... and that might have been the marble which brought me to the forum. I wanted to ask about it.
  11. There was a little hole in back of the bag which somehow got a little bigger. I don't know how it happened. Out of the bag it still seems oxbloody on the edges. I'm loving ALL of the colors.
  12. Thanks. Those are the ones which really surprised me. How could I have forgotten those!
  13. I'm gathering all my marbles together and sorting them into pencil boxes which family and friends bought from Wal-Mart clearance for me. I have sooooo many pencil boxes. Gotta fill them all! Sooooooooooooo ... I keep coming across marbles I completely forgot I had. These were all in one batch. What do you call a brown based NLR with red ribbons? ... and do I open the bag? .... I wanna get a better look at one of those marbles. Two blue ribbons on one side, and a wide blue and oxbloody-looking patch on the other.
  14. Yeah, sounds close. Nice and simple. Some white seems vital for the glow. Too much white means blocked light. It's been my hunch for some time that Peltier was better at quality control of the Realer base glass than Akro was of the Ace base glass.
  15. Okay, let's call it a Twilight.
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