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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Woot Woot

    See you Seahawks fans in Seattle next week. P.s., I love that the SEC got upset right out of the national championships.
  2. Bump with a cookies and cream suggestion ?
  3. Steph

    Woot Woot

    The Patriots-Ravens game was fantastic. Even though that means my Packers could have to face the Pats ... assuming we get that far.
  4. "The Pleasures of Memory, a Poem", Samuel Rogers, 1792 .... On yon gray stone, that fronts the chancel-door, Worn smooth by busy feet now seen no more, Each eve we shot the marble thro' the ring, When the heart danc'd, and life was in its spring, Alas! unconscious of the kindred earth, That faintly echoed to the voice of mirth. .... (full poem)
  5. I know that people mainly talk about "real steelies" as not being ball bearings because there are some special hollow ones which are distinctive, and it's pretty hard to know whether a ball bearing was ever used as a marble. But ball bearings really were steelies too. Which probably almost everybody knows. I just heard something about them which made me want to say it out loud. This first clip was from a big spread in the sports section in 1928 about a marble tournament and marbles in general. Lots of steelies offered as prizes, more than just the 24 mentioned here. Other prizes included "glassies", clothes and baseball equipment. There were four different classes of play (Expert, Average, Beginners and Steelie). In addition to the other prizes there was an award of $1 in each class for the "best loser". This clip was from the time when bike shops might have been carrying the less expensive and more reliably made bearings made possible by Martin Christensen's invention.
  6. Anyone have the means to post a range of chocolates?
  7. Glad I didn't chuck it in with the game marbles. Looked like a game marble but something held me back.
  8. It doesn't make sense to me for ox to be on a white patch though on a Vitro. For makers like Vitro and Peltier I associate ox with the colors which were created with copper. I can't remember if I've seen exceptions. And there are striations on it which make it look like it could have been dug. That opens the door for a strange Akro.
  9. Dang! What else could it be if not Vitro?
  10. Not a hint of light, Galen. Thanks, Danny. It's so shiny and essentially single color. I thought about stone before but never really believed it. Couldn't tell from coldness or weight, not in hand. And I don't have a scale for weighing things precisely.
  11. Hello. Welcome! I'm pretty sure I know what the 99 stands for, but I'll let you tell.
  12. Which show is that? Going to guess wrong reading but since I'm not likely to go to a show anytime soon I miss a lot of announcements. Edit: My kitten is too frowny. I need to change to a smiley kitten. Edit 2: That's better.
  13. Was looking for my lutz peewees. Didn't find them. Looks like I'm going to have to clean house. (oh no!) Found this. A little over 5/8". In hand looks like a dark green glass marble. Or a gumball. But it has a strange mark which in my newbie days I thought was a pontil. And it has a few tiny reddish spots. With the ginormous pictures it's looking more and more like stone. ???
  14. Whatever Larry's marble is, that "nine" is epic.
  15. 0 degrees when I woke up. Up to 1 degree now. I do love that we finally got snow though. We had a little bit of green peeking out of the ground in December. In Wisconsin. That was so wrong. Now we have a mini snow bank at the curb from the snow plows, and now things look right. Maybe warming up to 30 by Sunday!
  16. No kidding. Thanks for joining in. Rodney's name was so familiar to me that I didn't even realize he only ever had two posts. *doh*
  17. This look kind of wintry (Morphy)
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