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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The red spot on the backlit version threw me a little. Is that your thumb? Looks sorta like a hybrid of the kind MK sometimes sold in the horseshoe blister back. So not vintage but not new. Is my guess.
  2. I had the soundtrack memorized once upon a time.
  3. I was gonna say I wasn't in the list, but I'm clearly a saint. hehe and *wink* and stuff
  4. Steph


    With those colors my only guess is whacked out Akro, but that would be really whacked, huh?
  5. Some good stuff there. I don't know whether to laugh or duck!
  6. Steph


    Glass looks older to me too.
  7. I looked through all my personal known maker marbles and I couldn't find a match. That red tracer is so distinct this seems like one someone should get. But I'm not that person.
  8. Looks WV to me. If I found it here, I wouldn't think it was anything else.
  9. Blast from the past. I was about to archive this but I enjoyed it so much I decided to bump it instead.
  10. Nice. .... I'm 99.999999% sure the opals are from after the war, or at least not from before it. I think the 1950's, but someone could convince me they came from the 40's.
  11. Sometimes I wish we had a like button.
  12. Vanes on the exterior has been known to happen with caged cats. That's still my best guess. Newer marbles do have a way of working themselves into older collections. When Mom or grandma is cleaning she finds a stray marble and puts it in the old marble box. Things like that. Maybe someone else will have a different guess. That's the only one which comes to mind for me.
  13. Not sure this one would be pre-war but I guess it could be. I was wondering if it might be from one of the more obscure WV companies which had their short runs right after the war. I like the red trailer.
  14. My first thought is Vitro cat's eye. From after the 1950's.
  15. I think that's a quotation mark on the end. Check out the "Akro Agate" in quotes on the label. Even with no "s" it shows they liked their ".
  16. Also it might be hard to tell whether the red comes from the ribbon or the base. It's believable it would be in the base though.
  17. I think the printing underneath says "AKRO AGATES" No guess on value.
  18. Just learned about this one on facebook. Julie Bell, 1993, "Marble Master" http://artmight.com/Artists/Bell-Julie/JB-1993-marble-master-115272p.html http://www.juliebell.com/
  19. Slingshot target set came with a bag of Vitros (Ebay)
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