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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Someone send Galen a snowball, special delivery.
  2. Vitro Agate concrete barrel Just what you always needed but never knew ....
  3. I've seen one of these before. Can't remember where. Moorish Fort. Source: http://www.ebay.com/itm/331205131926
  4. Last discussion I remember about Kelly pool said that they had 15 numbered balls. Then a link was given to this page about magic squares: http://mm.bglances.com/1-08-04-00%20Magic%20Squares.htm
  5. The marbles in this poster top out at 60 mm, so between 2-1/4 and 2-3/8". http://marbleconnection.com/topic/15578-german-marble-posters/ (Found that while looking for another ad where I'm pretty sure I saw a bit of fancy talk describing why you might want large marbles.)
  6. Thanks. It seems kinda old ... but of course Champ was around a long time, longer than I tend to remember. Since 1938 ... Do you have a guess for what decade it might have come from?
  7. Can't remember who was said to be the most likely maker on this one.
  8. Not sure how old this is ....... And really not sure why I had it in the "Mystery" album in my photobucket account!
  9. I spoke too soon. It's snowing now. And there's a rabbit in the backyard. Why would a bunny be out in weather like this?!
  10. 6 am? We're a 3 to 11 shift family too. That's why I set my alarm to make sure I get up by 11 a.m. Just made it today and wished I could sleep longer. No snow here. And a balmy 4 degrees. It was minus three when I woke up yesterday so this is good.
  11. Inorite! After my first just-for-the-fun-of-it marble acquisition, I was one of those people who started collecting with the hope of making a profit. Learning as I went. I thought it was a CAC, which meant maybe it could help pay for my investments, and I think I got around $50 for it. Now it doesn't look like a CAC to me but I don't have another guess. Speaking of those early days, man, oh man, do I wish I still had the World's Fair cigar box back with all the beautiful Akros and simple but sweet Master Cloudies which were in it. ... which I got for $20.
  12. Steph

    New To Me!

    That can't be right! true confession -- my first thought was "neat!" .... but then ..... well ...... knocking them around with a claw for entertainment ...... *gulp*
  13. I could stare at that forever wondering how they got the color on the surface like that. Just meditating.
  14. Not sure what you're describing there. For posterity, here's the first pic though.
  15. Was this one a CAC? Should I have kept it? Clear base and a layer of clear over the whole thing so that even though it had a few pinpricks they were really hard to see because they didn't go below the clear. That orangey-red doesn't look CAC to me now that I think about it, but *scratches head*.
  16. Thanks, Mon. Excuse the newbie camera mistakes I'm making. Bubble wrap, seriously? What was I thinking? . So, eneeway, the purple and white one on the bottom right has a green base. That's the one which surprised me most.
  17. Not familiar with pastels on Masters but that structure is so very Master I wouldn't have it anywhere else.
  18. You didn't put it in the wrong room. I moved it so that the MK collectors who know names and stuff might be more likely to see it.
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