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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Yeah. Maybe they used the glass from the same sources. Or maybe whoever Jackson got cullet from was using the same formula Vitro did if Vitro wasn't using cullet yet. The time frame is similar. 1940's.
  2. Thanks! That's a looker. What is mine? Something I picked up on the shore while looking for beach glass. Part of a real building brick, maybe.
  3. It's a dug marble from the Jackson site. And more swirly than that one patch-like view makes it appear. "As far as the question of who made marbles with purple, might be easier to ask who didn't" lol, well, yeah, yet I still end up thinking "Alley" when I see lavender swirls. Ann, I was thinking machine-made but any and all eye candy is welcome.
  4. Interesting result. I should have hung in a little longer on the better bag. Congrats to whoever won them.
  5. Yes, all in one. I'm not counting all in my group shots. Just not separating out the red/white/blue ones.
  6. It would be useful, interesting and possibly reassuring to see examples of marbles from Akro dirt (or wherever) which match the ones from Alley dirt. This comparison photo Browndog took was frequently used in the effort to convince everyone that patches found at Sistersville were Alleys: It would be soooo nice for someone who had the marble resources to show some comparisons of known non-Alleys to go with the patches we see from Sistersville.
  7. Some red/white/blue amongst my last Ravenswood shot.
  8. Dave, did you ever get a second opinion on these?
  9. Love the art hanging on the wall in the splash page. And some nice marbles for display in the various categories.
  10. It's a little rough. I call it a place saver.
  11. I had to google Viking glass. Wasn't familiar with that.
  12. LOL. That's funny. I do automatically rate most containers as how suitable they would be for marbles before I think about what other functions they might have.
  13. I just checked and half of those have some bright green glow in them. They say it's from the Vitrolite cullet.
  14. Pix from Dani. The label says the same on both sides. One staple was opened to remove the marbles for cleaning. Note the small mesh.
  15. Any more word on the blue and reds?
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