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Everything posted by Steph

  1. It's lovely. I'm curious about other views.
  2. Is that yellow on a white base? If so, then "interesting". Gonna go with "pretty yellow marbles" at this time. (And Vitro sounds good.)
  3. If that's green I think it's a Girl Scout with oxblood. If it's teal, then a Kato.
  4. So would it be very surprising for National boxes to have lasted into the late 1930's?
  5. Mike once said that Acme Realers may have stopped being made in 1936. Would that correspond with a transition time to a new style of marble? That date fits with time frames mentioned in two articles about Berry Pink. A January 28, 1941 newspaper filler article says that 4 years earlier he had the idea to recycle milk bottles and cold cream jars into marbles. A July 1939 Pic article says that he got his idea 3 years earlier. Both pieces (found in posts 1 and 12 here) have some humor in them such as the suggestion that Pink was able to melt glass at home ... but maybe they do correspond with the date when Peltier switched from batch glass to cullet. Yes?
  6. best 8 minutes i've spent today
  7. Glass beads sold as old, by seller in Sliven http://www.ebay.com/itm/171282558828 The glass industry of the People's Republic of Bulgaria Looks like they did fancy stuff before 1944 and are doing fancy stuff again. In 1944 the market was messed up. Marbles still seem too crude for what is discussed here but there still would have been a need for beads, and where there are beads, why not marbles?
  8. I've started a thread on this before, but in that other thread I had a long list of marble names, without dates or context. Going to start again and keep better track of sources. 1918, The Judge (link) New list to add to: alleys, bloodies, bullseyes, crokers, Englishies, glassies, halfies, houses, mibbs, miggs, milkies, peewees, pimples, pures, reallies, steelies
  9. Digging for dates. Here's a spring 1938 ad for what are probably Rainbos. How much earlier than that can we place them?
  10. Steph


    When was your previous date? How long do you think they used National boxes for? I don't know how early but for some reason I wouldn't be surprised by 1934 for rainbos, even though I think that Picture Marbles on older style Peerless Patches were still being sold after that. I'll have to dig a little to see why the year 1934 comes to mind. Would be interesting to see a string of National boxes and try to get an idea of the changes in the boxes with time. And of course would be nice for Mike to give us some years to anchor the discussion with, if possible.
  11. Expanding this to all Leighton ... with this little clip which appears to have been a goal which didn't happen. If I'm not mistaken, this is the year Leighton opened the Navarre plant.
  12. Steph


    Here are the National Line Bloodies we were talking about in the calendar thread ... posted some time ago by BobandPat. And the National Line box of Rainbos.
  13. A boy and his dog. Very sweet.
  14. why? Was this a joke for a commercial?
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