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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Lot 216 is a new one to me. With the green bumpy lines.
  2. I was thinking about leaving my comment as "!!!!" Then I saw the reference to the Dulite line. I thought that was only a 1930's name. Are those the big ones?
  3. Cow tail is a name some people use for biscuits and red eye gravy. For example: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141216212349 versus http://www.ebay.ca/itm/131143194158
  4. So pretty. The sunshiney one is refreshing.
  5. Bump for the value question ... I personally have no idea though.
  6. Hey, I recognize you! Welcome! Sharp pix. Vibrant.
  7. .... I just typed "interesting" after your post with the modified Akro box. Now I see you say it here. I don't know enough about micas to know what that might mean on this one.
  8. Don't know when game marbles per se were introduced but to the best of my knowledge Chinese Checkers became the craze in the late-ish 30's.
  9. Are the ones in the 40 column and 50 column 5/8"? And the ones in the 42 column and 52 column 3/4"? ... that 39 column messes things up, doesn't it!
  10. Here is Joe Street's documentary filmed at a Jabo Tribute run from 2008, at its new location on youtube. Highly informative.
  11. I believe it. It looks like someone used it quite a bit for its intended purpose.
  12. Kewl. I've never seen that done before. Whoda thunk the people who showed it to me first would be some *searching for proper adjective* kids?
  13. I am highly persuaded by that. This seems like it could be an example of a box which someone would be tempted to refill the box to make it more "authentic" and in that manner lose a clue to something which we might finally learn more about many years from now.
  14. I only have the ebay seller's word to go by on that one, but it fits in with other ads from that period. N Shure ads in particular.
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