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Everything posted by Steph

  1. After I shared the size, Sue said she was sticking with her gut. The place were I posted it was the Glass Addiction facebook page. So far the consensus over there is that it looks older. Which interests me because that group specializes in modern marbles so basically they're saying it doesn't quite look like it belongs with what they make and collect.
  2. Hunting for the bike shop article to see if I just imagined it and found a page full of marble news which mentioned that 1/2 inch was a popular size for steelies in 1928 ... fwiw. And the auto salvage guy donated 24 steelies for tourney prizes. Said they were valued at 6 cents each. Another stray, useless, tangential thought ... I don't know how it would have been calculated or paid to him ... but didn't Martin Christensen retain the right to part of the profits for steel balls made after he sold his patent for making them, back around 1900? It was said he only sold 80% of the patent. I can't remember if I've seen anyone explain how that arrangement worked. But it secured his family's financial future before he started on his marble making venture.
  3. While I was trying to find a particular steelie reference for Bob's thread, I stumbled across this ad. I also have another one from the same month with different graphics.
  4. I'm thinking of something I read in a newspaper from the time of MFC.
  5. In the olden days, kids would go to bike shops to get their steelies. Coz that's who had the ball bearings.
  6. Thank you for sharing this news. Condolences to Joe's family.
  7. They're not fancy but the colors are nice. What size are they?
  8. Agreed. I would call Stefan's cat's eyes.
  9. That could be illustrating Sue's point about the white latticinio threads. Or maybe whoever was presenting those marbles was just presenting his more interesting looking ones. Did Maslach do plain white? Edit: Nevermind. I looked a little further into the link Stefan posted and see some white latticinios from Maslach.
  10. Kewl We need more European packaging. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Sue Cooper says to send everyone her love and has this to add: My very first instinct says vintage. If so, definitely polished The only way I would change that feeling, would be to have it in hand. Im not familiar with anyone doing that style Course, that doesnt mean much anymore!!! SO many people doing stuff!! But, the color of the clear looks old and the surface looks polished. For a contemporary artist, theres no excuse for the glass not being a BRIGHT crystal clear and the surface being wet minty shiny. Its not a typical swirl pattern. But, I certainly wouldnt call it rare, either I havent done extensive studying as some of our modern-day experts seem to have!! LOL But, my feeling on the pattern would be Either a later date, when detail and precision wasnt as tight. Or, running towards the end of the cane, when some of the other parts of the pattern may have run out. Maybe, both The second choice being a result of the first. I would be very surprised to find that its contemporary Unless, theres someone seriously channeling the vintage for fun, not money. White Latticinio just wouldnt be the right choice for that!!
  12. First response was "Steven Maslach. Or Jody fine."
  13. I sure don't know. But I have somewhere to ask. Will check back if I find out anything.
  14. ^^ how I learned about Alley swirl patterns.
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