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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Lovely. If you don't keep looking, you won't find it. That bunch would sure tide me over until the next outing.
  2. I like how people are saying they requested the day off to go hunting.
  3. The marble I just posted isn't a clambroth -- it's a gooseberry. (just in case that's the one you're gonna put lemon butter on)
  4. Not necessarily marbles ... but could be .... Del Webber: https://www.facebook.com/delrocks He has a show at the Patricia Rovzar Gallery in Seattle opening Feb. 6.
  5. You don't have any clambroths, do you? It may be a gimme what the photo would be, but I'd still like to see it. (:
  6. In Collecting Antique Marbles, Paul Baumann gives tables of "relative rarity" with percentages for various colors and features, based on his observations of the marbles he had at his disposal. He tells the sample sizes he derives his figures from. I just tried to skim to remind myself of where the samples came from -- whether they were all his or were ones he had access to in other collections -- but I couldn't find that little bit of info. If you don't have this book in your collection, I recommend it.
  7. If it was the auction I got with a search, which ended on the 24th, that looks like poly clay. One clue might be the price. I don't mean that sarcastically. I just remember when gutta perchas were selling for hundreds (or was that over a thousand?).
  8. I hoped someone would notice that. Now someone needs to find one which says Berry Pink Industries on it! Or one with Alleys in it which doesn't seem to be backfilled. Pink was tight with Peltier. Marble King packaging held Pelts for years. And the flyer didn't just picture it but offered Item No. 100B "Marble King" Nested Box. So if someone wanted it, what did they get? And are there any examples left? .... Enquiring minds want to know .....
  9. I'm more jealous of that than I am of all your CACs.
  10. Steph


    For no particular reason. I was looking for something for the calendar and this version was too big to put in it but I wanted to post 'em anyway.
  11. I would ask the seller to package the steelies separately so they don't damage the glass marbles. Maybe remove them from the shipment altogether.
  12. Gorgeous. Wow. Could we see some shots without the underlighting?
  13. One time I hit a large (more than an inch if I recall), soiled, undecorated china with UV. And guess what ... I found that it once had flowers on it. Nothing was visible to the naked eye but the old design lightly glowed in the darkness.
  14. Same story. Some do, some don't. UV marbles were made in this century too.
  15. Hello Kevin. And welcome.
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