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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Do you have American Machine-Made Marbles, by Dean Six, Susie Metzler and Michael Johnson? That has a lot of history in it. Maybe not the definition of "experimental". The guy who said experimentals were large marbles was Alan -- they guy with all the Claudias, not Alan Basinet. I don't know the source of his information. It might have been specific to the era in which corkscrews were being made. I don't know.
  2. Daaaaangggg!!!! Is that a carrot? It would make a meal.
  3. I looked more closely at the AMMM photo, and it appears that the logo box is smaller than the one which says 100 Wonder Glass Marbles. So I'm no longer worrying about how to get 100 marbles into the auction box.
  4. What were the dimensions on yours, Hansel? I'm trying to figure out how 100 marbles fit. (:
  5. "4 3/8 inches long, 2 7/8 inches wide, 1 1/4 inches high" So it might have held around 50 or 60 marbles?
  6. I'll have to leave those questions to someone else. Beyond Lemonade and Limeade I'm not that good with collectors' names for the different Moss Agates.
  7. I wouldn't call it wannabe or messed up. That implies there's something less or wrong about it. But that's a normal state for that style of marble. If you're having trouble trying to decide whether to call it a corkscrew or not, then just say Lemonade or Limeade. In my opinion. It's understood that they won't necessarily be standard corks. Maybe someone else will have a different opinion or something more helpful to say.
  8. Some people don't call Akro Ades corkscrews at all because they're so often swirly. I might still use "corkscrew" in my description somewhere. But you almost don't need to because the collectors' name -- Akro Lemonade or Akro Limeade -- is such a clear identifier of the marble type There are differing opinions about when they were made and where the swirliness tended to occur along their timeline. I think they were introduced early on. Maybe in 1930. And it is believed that they were swirly then -- which would explain why Moss Agates were said to have "exquisite patterns". But they were still being sold in packaging which was patented years later. This package was advertised as "new" in 1935. Do these look swirly? And I think they were also sold in 1936 Popeye packaging. Hard to see some of these might be Ades but I think they were and not hard to see that they're swirly.
  9. I don't remember ever hearing anyone talk about it. It's sort a cool. "Experimental" is a word I avoid. I think it's overused. Someone once posted that Akro's true experimental marbles were large -- I can't remember how large -- should look that up -- but I think it was at least 3/4". Might have been 1". He sounded like he knew what he was talking about. But a lot of people seem to use "experimental" for marbles which were likely just rejects. And sometimes oddballs just happen.
  10. This marble is named The Stephanie, courtesy of Bob. I keep it on my desktop.
  11. Heart-shaped cupcakes: Sweater redo, hedgehog and cupcakes Bumpy sweater: Embellish Knit Month: Day 25
  12. Dani! Hi! Kewl! Bob, I should know a math term, but all I can think of is helix, and I don't think that's right.
  13. http://marbleconnection.com/gallery/image/4508-razorribbon2132nm215indian2132nm565/
  14. lol ... those are eery eyes. I don't think I have anything which fits the bill.
  15. To me the German cats look different from the ones in the box. In the box the vanes look sharper and smoother to me. And that particular shade of turquoise always makes me think of Japanese (or Vitro if the vanes look right, but in this case Japanese).
  16. From the March 1932 Boys' Life article, New-Fashioned Kites and Old-Fashioned Marbles, by Dan Beard p.s., remember copies of Boys' Life are online for marble searches at Google Books
  17. Just paste the URL onto the page. That oughta work. No box needed. I think.
  18. I've heard of a marble called Dragon's Eye, but that doesn't look like it. Sounds like maybe the Simpsons made something up for that episode.
  19. *whew* Thanks for the save, Bob. I'd forgotten! Nice one! I haven't seen that episode yet.
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