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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    This evening's culinary adventure: I started with a hunt to find something to eat with a tomato. Ended with a passable sweet and sour chicken. ... and I ate the tomato while waiting for the rice to cook.
  2. Hi Keith. Welcome. Love hearing from people who were good at the game. And would love to see your medal if you ever find it. Hope your grandkids can help! Windows Paint is what I use to crop and resize pics so that they're small enough to upload. Also, if you upload them to the gallery, the gallery software will automatically resize them. If all else fails you can email the pix to me and I can help you post them.
  3. What a great picture! keeperthread
  4. Do you have the book American Machine-Made Marbles? It has a chapter on a company called Libbey Owens Ford. Says some of the rough greenish marbles found by railroad tracks came from there. They leaked from the railroad cars transporting them. They're the raw material for fiber glass. Formed as spheres because they move more easily down conveyor belts that way. I'm not sure why that one particular factory made it into the book -- probably because it has a Vitro connection -- but I'm pretty sure it was one of many which had machines for that purpose. Edit to add: here's a fiberglass marble which MarbleBert auctioned. From the 1939 World's Fair. Pretty sure other folks had marble making machines for creating lithography balls for printing -- if I'm saying that right.
  5. Handmade is okay too for this discussion. Pretty sure I read about marble machines in Australia, for the fiber glass business.
  6. How many countries do you think have at least one marble-making machine for fiber glass ingots or other industrial purpose? ... and Italy ... do we ever hear about marbles having been made there? They're famous for glassware ... but no marbles?
  7. I'm curious about that purple, blue and white one -- toward the right side about halfway down. And then up in the top right one which looks like it might have an additional color besides white and orange. Seems these would predate Tiger Eyes so would the ones with extra color be "fancy conquerors"? Or maybe a newer marble slipped into the box?
  8. I love old wooden containers about as much as I love marbles. That's wonderful.
  9. 1940's, I think, but a couple puzzle me, so I'm not sure.
  10. I'm recharged now thanks to the care package full of Les Jones pics
  11. Well, I was able to mostly go through the steps on purpose this time. But it spontaneously did one thing different from the last time through -- something I've wanted to do before but couldn't figure out how to. I'll have to keep practicing. Roll 17 pictures 12 & 13 Okay, so apparently I have a thing for Vitro. ... but Vitro boxes aren't seen often
  12. Why does Daisy get hers first?
  13. As a Wisconsinite, I am not allowed to like that commercial.
  14. Obviously not all of their posts would still be visible. Deletions had to occur.
  15. 1930's (owned and/or sold by Les Jones)
  16. Thank you everybody who has added pictures. Would it be immodest of me to say Best. Thread. Ever. !
  17. I got it to work. But still not sure quite how. One day I'll figure it out enough to be sure I can do it again! Semi-random selection: Roll 16, pictures 15 and 16 (Early Vitros)
  18. Whenever I need a reminder of what I like about marbles ......
  19. That's a special bowl of marbles. I don't remember ever noticing the ones with more than one color.
  20. Forum i.d.: Honeybern Posted under the names Phyllis and Jon
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